I Won't Say I'm in Love

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To Lizardgurl I already had this written out before your request on my story Young Justice: the Musical.  I felt this song is one that is a story in itself and does not need to be connected to a bigger one.  I was going to wait a little while to post this, but given the circumstances, here it is now.  Enjoy!  I do not own YJ, DC or Disney.

M'gann was in the Cave TV room with Barbara, Cassie and Karen, stirring the batter for some cookies.  The other girls sat on the couch watching Hercules while she baked.  Just as she put her cookies into the oven, who should walk in but M'gann's ex-boyfriend Conner Kent.  "Hey."

She jumped up, turning around quickly to face him. "Oh! Hi." He held up a white flower, rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand. "Uh...I found this...thought you might like it...you can have it if you want." Her cheeks flushed pink as she took the flower from him. "Thank you. That's very sweet of you." He nodded before quickly turning around. M'gann stared after him with a look of longing on her face. Barbara, Karen and Cassie looked over at her with smug expressions. She caught sight of their smiles and frowned. "What?"

"Conner gave you a flower!", Cassie said, squealing like a fangirl. "He still likes you!" M'gann shook her head fiercely. "Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Its not like that! Its not like that at all! I'm dating La'gaan now, and I'm sure Superboy's moved on." Karen shook her head. "Girl, you've gotta stop denying your feeling for Kon." She whipped her head towards her friends. "I'm not denying anything!" Barbara smirked. "Of course not." She and the others turned back to the screen, where Hercules was holding Meg in her arms as they ascended into the air.

M'gann looked at them smiling and gazing at each other with love. Moments later, Hercules's appearance changed to have a chiseled jaw, shaggy black hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. Meg's appearance changed to have long red hair, auburn eyes, and skin the color of emeralds. She looked at the flower she had placed on the kitchen counter. She picked it up, smiling dreamily as she stared at it. Moments later, she realized what she was doing. "Hello Megan!", she cried, smacking herself on the head. "What's the matter with you?" She sighed as she leaned against the counter. "You think a girl would learn."

If there's a prize for rotten judgement,
I guess I've already won that.
No man is worth the aggravation.
That's ancient history! Been there, done that!

She threw the flower over her shoulder. Before it fell to the ground, a hand caught it midair. Barbara, Cassie and Karen leapt off the couch and broke into song with their Martian friend.

Who ya think you're kidding?
He's the earth an' heaven to ya!
Try to keep it hidden!
Honey, we can see right through ya!
Girl, ya can't conceal it!
We know how ya feel
An' who ya thinkin' of!

M'gann slumped on the counter, her head propped up on one hand. Cassie tiptoed over and dangled the flower in M'gann's face. She pushed it away and walked off. Cassie let out a huff of frustration. M'gann held a hand up.

No chance! No way!
I won't say it, oh no!

The girls lined up.

You swoon! You sigh!
Why deny it? Uh, oh!

M'gann rolled her eyes.

Its too cliché, I won't say I'm in love.

She hurried away to the hologram room. The girls shrugged their shoulders before going off to follow her.

M'gann walked through the room, focusing not on the holograms of the Team and their most memorable moments, but on her own dilemma.

I thought my heart had learned it's lesson.
It feels so good when you start out.

She didn't notice Batgirl, Wonder Girl and Bumblebee, hiding as their own holograms.

My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl!"
"Unless you're dying to cry your heart out!"

That's when the heroines chose to reveal themselves. They danced, bumping their hips out as they continued the song.

You keep on denyin'
Who you are an' how you're feelin!
Baby, we're not buying!
Hon, we saw ya hit the ceilin'!
Face it like a grown-up!
When ya gonna own up that 'cha
Got it!

M'gann turned her back on them, crossing her arms as she walked off.

No chance! No way!
I won't say it, oh no!

She came upon a hologram of Superboy standing over a defeated Bane, his fists on his hips, smiling in victory. Sighing dreamily, she stepped up and put herself close to him, hugging herself and smiling as she gazed up at him with love in her eyes.

Give up! Give in!

Karen smirked.

Check the grin! You're in love!

M'gann realized what she was doing. She shook her head, stepping away from Conner's hologram.

The scene won't play!
I won't say I'm in love!

The heroines giggled.

You're doin' flips!
Read our lips!
You're in love!

M'gann held up her hand, palm facing her friends, as she strutted off back to the kitchen.

You're way off base!
I won't say it!

The girls shook their heads in frustration.

She won't say it! No!

She collapsed onto the sofa.

Get off my case!
I won't say it!

Barbara did the ninja thing that Nightwing loved to do himself, placing Conner's white flower next to her Martian teammate as she and the other two sang the next line.

Girl, don't be proud.
Its okay you're in love.

M'gann's hand landed on the flower. Looking over at it, she smiled and twirled it around in her fingers, finally giving into her emotions.

At least out loud,
I won't say I'm in...

She put her feet on the sofa, her legs pressed against her chest as she sang the final note, smiling at her flower.


She sighed, her head falling on her knees as she pondered her options. "I am. I am still in love with Conner." "AHA! SEE?!"

She gasped, turning her head sharply as she looked over her shoulder. Standing right behind the counter were Mal and Garfield, grinning like morons, their arms held out towards M'gann. Right smack in between them was Conner, who seemed unsure what to think or feel. His bright blue eyes were as wide as quarters, and his mouth hung slightly open. M'gann felt the heat in her face spread around in seconds, unable to control it as her skin turned red.

Garfield looked at Conner. "I told you she still had the hots for you!"  Unsure of what else to do, Conner walked over to the sofa and stared blankly at M'gann.  She felt sweat form on her brow.  "C-Conner...don't say anything...I understand, you don't feel the same way anymore..."  She got to her feet.  "I-I'll just g-"

All of the sudden, Conner threw his arms around her and pulled her to his chest, crashing his lips onto hers. She squeaked before kissing him back, rubbing his back. I'm so in love with you., he said to her in his mind. She smiled against his lips. I'm so in love with you, too. And I promise, I'll never rip into other minds again.

They stood there in each other's embrace, lips running over mouths when La'gaan walked into the kitchen, just in time to see his Angelfish sucking face with her ex-boyfriend. "Whaaaaa-Neptune's Beard!"

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