3. Lunch

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{Cristiano POV}

My mother insisted I take a break from being in Madrid, and sent me on a flight to Portugal. I wasn't too happy about it, because there were so many things I had to take care of. I had photoshoots, training, conferences, signings, and a whole lot of other shit to deal with. A vacation wasn't what I needed right now.

"Pai!" I heard someone call me.

I turned around a noticed it was Júnior holding a soccer ball.

"What do you need?" I asked a bit irritated.

I had been in the study with my agent, Jorge Mendes, trying to figure out how I can possibly fit in a trip to Portugal.

"Pai, wanna play?" he asked innocently.

I sighed and shook my head. "I can't right now, Cristiano."

The look on his face broke my heart. His face was full of enthusiasm and eagerness when he walked into the room. But now, his expression dropped as he exited the room with ball in hand. I felt really bad, but I didn't have the time to. I could barely take a 5-minute break, nonetheless a month vacation to Portugal.

"I'm sorry Cristiano. You're going to have to tell you mom no," Jorge spoke.

I sighed. "Are you sure there's no other way?"

Jorge just shook his head and apologized. I ran my fingers through my hair, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I paced back and forth, trying to come up with a solution.

"Cris!" I heard.

I turned towards the direction of the door. I saw my mom standing under the frame of the door.

"Sim?" I asked, annoyed.

"Why is Júnior crying? He told me you didn't want to play with him," she scolded, crossing her arms.

I sighed. "It's not that I didn't want to. I'm in the middle of something and I don't have time right now," I explained.

She looked past me and at Jorge. She shook her head and looked back to me. "So you don't have time for your son anymore? That's what I'm hearing."

"No!" I yelled out. "Of course I do! I love my son and I would love to spend time with him."

"Then do it, Cris! Cause this isn't fair to him."

"I know! But I have to figure out this vacation," I said.

"What's there to figure out?" she asked, irritated at this point.

"When it would be possible to leave..."

She let out an exasperated sigh. "No! You're going whether  you like it or not. You don't have a choice, Cristiano. I don't care anymore about what you need to do. Your son should always come first," she said.

Seconds after, she exited the room.

"You can't afford to leave right now," Jorge said, standing up and exited as well.

I don't know what I was feeling right now, but I ended up swiping everything off my desk in anger. This was becoming too much to handle.


The next morning, I ignored everything Jorge had to say. I couldn't afford to leave Madrid right now, but I couldn't afford to neglect my son either. I didn't want to my career to shadow over my family.

On the flight to Portugal, my phone ended up being stormed with messages from agents, my coach, and members of the team. All of which were asking where I was. I didn't tell anyone about my leave; I thought it'd be less stressful that way. I tried my best to shy away from the spotlight.

Paradise In Portugal {Cristiano Ronaldo}Where stories live. Discover now