Chapter 2

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Sarenety POV:

I woke up to find Marchell still sleep so I walked downstairs to start on cooking us some breakfast I was the littlest thing with the biggest appetite me and Marchell both.... first I went to her bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face while in there I decided on cooking us eggs, Bacon, sausage, waffles, and some orange juice. I walked in the kitchen and got all the stuff out and clicked on the tv in her kitchen and started on cooking breakfast while listening and dancing around in the kitchen I heard footsteps from the stairs and knew it was Marchell so I said good morning she was never a good morning person for as long as I known her so she gave me a dry "good morning" back and I just laughed and continued ....

She finally made it downstairs looking like she had a long day of work ....wake up girl I'm cooking us breakfast

"I'm so tired I should have went to sleep a little earlier and I have a head ache girl"

you prolly have a headache from all that snoring U and Tj was doing together.....I laughed a little

"Lol whatever we were not snoring"

whatever U say Marchell whatever U say....I laughed

"I can't stand U"she laughed to

I love U to girl

She straight faced me then start talking again

"So what are we going to do today?"

idk Marchell we can go to the mall but it's really hot and will have to walk

"Right guess will just chill here since your leaving me today anyway"

I'm sorry bestie but U know how my mama is if ion come check In

"Call her Renety"......

I straight faced her and she mad a sad face ....the last time I spent a night over Marchell's house and called my mama and told her I was staying an extra day she blew up on me and told me she was worth more than a phone call and much more so every time I come over and wanna spend the night again I have to walk all the way home and all the way back

"Sorry I forgot Renety U can just stay home when U go this time because it'll be to hot to walk back again"

it's fine Marchell and right but if I get tired of her idgaf if I pass out on the way back over here least I'll be away from her ass

We laughed then stop.... let me go pack my stuff back up so when I'm ready I don't take forever

"Eat first Renety"

right sorry I forgot uk when I think about my mama anything Im doing or was going to do I get distracted from Marchell she just in away stresses me out but let's eat

"Ik and Yea come on I'm starving"

U ready for our last year of school Marchell

"Oh my God yesssss Renety we're finally seniors"

yes we are turn up

"We get to kick it with all our old school friends one more time before we go I can't wait to see that class clown rocko U?"

I forgot to tell U I seen him yesterday....I said with a sad expression

"What he say to U?" ...." we need to cut him?"

I laughed a little and said no, there's no need to cut him

"Well why U look all sad then Renety?"

because I seen him yesterday in the back of a police car a block over from yours I was meaning to ask U what happen but I see U don't know Lol

"All man that's all bad he was my nigga but Yea ion know I wanna find out tho"

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