3. Psycho Buddies

127 15 4

(25/06/16 - 30/06/16)

Miss Mary and her friend dragged me to the parking lot and eventually stopped in front of a red car.

Miss Mary sat in the driver's seat and her friend in the passenger's seat. Not before the guy opened the door of the backseat and shoved me in.

Unfortunately, they made me sit in the middle of the back seat surrounded by a bunch of boxes filled with God-knows-what.

When I asked why she they couldn't move the boxes over so I could have the window seat, the man turned around and hissed. "So you wont cause any more trouble 'caue we're keeping an eye on you, boy. Now hush before I change my mind and drive all the way down south to dump you in the Everglades while prayin' to the gods that a gator eats you." I gulped and nodded, sinking lower in the seat.

As if that's gonna hide you from Miss Scary and Mr. Mafia, moron.

"Call your aunt and uncle now." Miss Mary ordered as she backed the car out if the parking spot.

"Wait! What about my bike?" I had no reason to let a perfectly good bike, considering that it took for ever to earn, get stolen in a parking lot.

"No worries, your bike will be waiting for us at our destination. I have my... Ways." the man turned around to smirk at me.

I backed up as much as I could in the seat. Yup. Definently Mafia. Or maybe one of the Miami gang leaders. But then that would make Miss Mary-

"Do I need to repeat myself, boy? Call them already." Miss Mary interrupted my thoughts.

Nervously, I took out my phone and called the house's landline. Aunt Kiara would probably pick up since she was a housewife.

The front of the car stayed quiet the whole time. All that you could hear was the line ringing and my leg going up and down, a nervous tic that I picked up from my uncle over the years.

I could hear my aunt screaming at my uncle right now about how she just picked it up with her spidey-sense. "Archie! See what you did? No woman's gonna want a fidgety man!"

And as usual, my uncle would respond like the love-sick puppy he was, "But you wanted me, Darlin'." And she would stop complaining.

"Hey, Alex. Is everything alright, Boo?" came a familiar voice our of my phone after a few rings and snapped me out of my thoughts.

I considered my answers. I could fo with "Sure, I just got kidnapped by my boss and her best friends, Mr. Mafia leader. They just wanted me to call to tell you some creepy message. Oh? You want to hear it? It's time."

But then I could always go for my favorite type of phone call.

"Aunty Kiara? Thank God! I'm scared! I got kidnapped by my boss! Please give me a huge funeral when I die. Oh, and BTW, Miss Mary said 'it's time' I think she meant my death."

Considering that both messages would get me on my 'captor's' bad side, I chose something more normal.

"Hey Aunty Kiara, Miss Mary wanted me to tell you something in secrets woman code. She said "It's time"."

The other side was silent for a moment. Then, she replied, "Alright, your uncle and I will be there in a few moments." And she hung up.

Well, so much for being concerned for her nephew's safety.


We stopped in The driveway of a small dark blue house in the suburban edge of town.

"Welcome to my humble adobe," grunted Miss Mary as we got out of the car.

Somehow, we parked at the back, so Miss Mary led us to the front. Her backyard was a mess.

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