They always had the perfect timing and always made the flashiest entrance, after Carter’s crew that is. He was never a fan of show boating but he always let the guys have their fun.

They each stepped out of their custom car decked out in the group’s respective color…black. They spotted Jason and walked towards where he stood in front of Carter.

Drake stopped next to Jason and frowned at Carter. “What’s going on with chocolate thunder over here?” He asked his brother.

 Jason cut to the chase. “I want a race. He wants a bet.”

Drake turned to his brother. “Ok. Well you seem to be in no mood to be convinced otherwise so what will it be?”

Jason thought about it for a minute and said “…New drifter.”

“What?! Fuck no! I just finished it this week. I am not putting it on the line already just for some little whim you got going on because you got stood up.” Chico, the Latino of their crew shouted. He'd spent two months and thousands of dollars customizing that car. Jason understood where he was coming from and he wasn’t going to lose it already but he might run hood big  mouth brother over with it.

He glared at Drake and sent him a death glare.

“What?” Drake tried not to laugh but failed miserably. “It was funny and they ask so I told the fools.

“Wait! You got stood up?!” Carter boomed out while laughing loud and hard. "That's new for you ain't it?"

“Shut the hell up!” Jason snarled at Carter. “Chico I got this. Let me race it.”

“Damn! If you lose I’m kicking your ass Jason!  Trabajo al disco duro para esto!” He muttered the rest of his sentence in spanish.

“All right. Car for car it is. IF I lose then you can have my baby here," Carter said with a hint of confidence in his voice as he pat the hood of his Audi.

Jason smirked. “Deal! Brandon give me the keys to the drifte,” Brandon threw the keys to Jason and he caught it while walking towards their cars. He stopped in front of the black and burnt orange 2010 Nissan GTR that was powered by a monster of a turbo charged V6 engine which delivered a whopping 530 horsepower. The muffler and tires were custom made and put in by Chico.

Jason turned around and noticed that the crew had follow him.

“Wooo! That baby looks hot! Only thing missing is a naked girl in the passenger seat and I’ll be in heaven,” Victor exclaimed.

“That looks good but the one that I’m fixing looks hotter. Wait till you get it on the road,” Dennis shouts out.

“Man stop playing. You know you’re not even close to reaching my level much less being better than me,” Chico defended.

“Alright shut it up guys. Time to race. Jason do your thing, win that car and don’t lose ours or you will be in some deep shit with us. You picked this race so it’s your problem. The rest of you all will not get involved unless we absolutely have too and knowing Carter, we probably will so keep a heads up. Jason watch your ass with the cops," Drake instructed like he always did before a race. Everyone nodded their head in agreement. Drake was the leader of their crew and they didn’t mind it much because he was so lenient.

Jason slid into the driver’s seat and inhaled the smell of new leather that was always euphoric to him. He grabbed the steering wheel and looked around the black and orange interior of the car. “Oh hell yeah. Chico definitely has outdone himself with this,” he muttered to himself.

Rolling down the window Jason revved up the engine and drove to the starting line where Carter was already waiting for him and Sierra stood with two twin race flags in between the two cars. He looked out his window and stared at Carter’s face which held a huge smirk that Jason just wanted to punch off.

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