"Hush now, little one. I know. I promise we will get out of here before you come." I told him. The kicking softened a little more and finally stopped. the pain was over as well. I managed to get up and look around, it was a simple room, with a dresser, a bed, a bedside-table with a lamp on it and a bathroom behind the door next to the dresser. There was one window but it was locked and there were bars in front and behind it. All I could see outside was snow behind the walls. the most useful shape for me would be a bird until I was on the other side of those walls. Then I could be a wolf but first I had to change the bars and the window. I noticed a few guards down there. perhaps a fly would be better. less chance of being hit with whatever they would throw.

When the burning was gone, I felt thirsty and yet somewhat stronger, somehow. The door opened and I saw two vampires, one blonde and one dark haired. "Miss Sahira, We assumed that you would be hungry after such a stressing moment, we have some blood for you here." My eyes darkened at the smell of the fresh blood. It smelled like I thought Bella smelled when she was human. It was human. My vampire side woke up and I nearly attacked the bloodbag the blonde held. However, I still had the strength to resist. I would not harm a human. Ever. Not as long as I can do something else.

"Is it not fresh enough? Do you want it straight from the source?"

"No, I don't want human blood." I said with a growl. They shrugged and then another vampire took the bag away.

"Oh well we can probably find a wolf somewhere later for you. Now we would like to discuss some business with you." Blonde said.

"I don't do business with strangers." I said.

"We are no strangers, we are friends of your mate, Carlisle Cullen."

"I don't think he considers you friends anymore now that you kidnapped his pregnant mate." I told them. They already knew about the baby so it didn't matter if I talked about him.

"Yes, that child of yours. Is it like the other one?" The dark haired one asked referring to Renesmee

"No. it should be more human however since your little pawns give me more venom they might turn it into an immortal child."

"No that's not the plan we just want to speed the pregnancy up. That way you can fight full out without having to worry about it."

"Why would I fight? I have no reason to fight anyone unless it is to get out of here."

"Well, we have reason to believe that the Volturi are planning on killing the Cullens for getting too powerful. They are just faking their kindness."

"Why would I believe you? I know that my family is currently in Volterra planning with the Volturi on how to get me out of here."

"Yes, but who says that everyone of your family would survive? Maybe they are using this as an excuse to thin your family out before going in themselves. Maybe they want to get rid of the shield first and of the Major." That was a good excuse but I still didn't believe it. I could still feel my imprint bond, so I knew Carlisle was safe and alive.

"I don't believe you. You don't have any proof." I said. They seemed to know that I had a small bit of doubt.

"We do have proof. We have reports from a spy in Volterra that tells us that the brothers are in fact discussing your family quite a bit."

"Who is this spy? You are lying, those reports are fake." I said and then I tried to turn into something but Marco must be near since it didn't work. So I can't turn myself but I can still change other things. Interesting. Perhaps Marco's gift hadn't been fully trained. Then I can find out where I am.

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