What is wrong with me?

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It's been one week since I found out I was pregnant. I haven't anyone but Emily. I also haven't been any where besides work and home, or talked to anyone besides Sue and Emily. I really wanted to talk to Paul, for reason's I can not explain to even myself.
I just dropped Michelle off at Sue's house and was driving to work. I was not looking forward to going to work today, for some reason I felt worse today than any day before and I haven't even thrown up this morning. I don't know what is wrong with me, my stomach is hurting and my head is pounding. I pulled into the parking lot and tried to not think about, maybe whatever it would go away on its own.
I was proven wrong about an hour and a half later. I was on my way to place an order with the cook when my vision got blurry and I felt really dizzy. I didn't realize I was headed toward the floor until I felt the arms of one of my co-workers catch me. She put me in a chair and I heard her talking to someone but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. After about ten minutes I heard sirens. I guess someone called the ambulance. I felt someone wrap a pressure cup around my arm and a light being flashed in my eyes. After they talked some more I was being lifted onto a stretcher and put in the ambulance, I have no idea what happen after that because all that was around me was blackness.
When I woke I was blinded by the lights all around me, I heard someone talking. I looked over and saw Dr. Cullen talking on the phone.
"Sue, I need you to come to the hospital with whoever Rayleigh's imprint is." Imprint? What are they talking about about? "I'm not sure if you should bring Michelle until I figure out what is exactly wrong with her." No! I want my sunshine here. I need her to be with me!
I tried telling him that but I couldn't talk, there was an oxygen mask on my face. When I reached to go pull it off I felt a pull on my arm. I looked down to see an IV stinking in my arm and winced. I hate needles. I just put my arm down and wondered what was wrong with me.
"OK. If you say so. See you in a few." I heard him say and then he walked over to me.
"Oh. Good your awake. We took some blood samples, so we could run some test to figure exactly why you passed out." He told me.
I felt tears form in my eyes and my hand automatically went to the baby, thinking of all the possibilities that could be wrong.
"Don't worry about the baby, he or she is perfectly safe." Relief flooded through me but was quickly replaced with fear again as I tried to think of what could be wrong.
"I'm going to go see if they have any results yet. Sue should be here in about five minutes. Hopefully I will know by then." He said, then he left the room.
About six minutes later the door to my room was pushed open. I looked and saw Sue, Michelle, Seth, and Paul? Wait! What is he doing here? When Michelle saw me, she burst into tears and tried to get out of Seth's arms, but he wouldn't put her down. Instead he walked over to the bed and gently sat her down next to me. She instantly put here head on my chest and was sobbing her little eyes out. I couldn't say anything, due to the oxygen mask, so I just rubbed her back with my non-IV hand, trying to calm her down.
"Sissy, what wrong with you? You don't have a broken heart like mommy right? Are you going to go to heaben and leave me too?" She ask me with her head still buried into my chest. I gently picked her head up so she could see me and I shook my head at her. Even though the mask was still on my face I kept telling her no. I quickly reached the hand without the IV in it and pulled the mask off my face.
"NO! There is nobody or anything that is going to take you from me or me from you. Do you understand me?" I told her while taking deep breathes and tears falling from my eyes. I felt someone put the mask back on my face and then they put their hand on my shoulder and I instantly felt safe and relaxed, like everything was OK. When I looked over I was surprised to see Paul there. I had expected it to be Sue. Why did I feel so safe and calm around him? He could possibly just end up hurting me. I didn't have much time to think about it because Dr. Cullen came back into the room with my chart in his hands. He looked at everybody then at me.
"Could everyone please step out of the room please. There is a waiting room down the hall for you all to sit in." He told everyone, but nobody moved. "Please, this is confidential and I can not tell any of you."
As they left, and Paul wasn't beside me anymore, I felt myself begin to panic. What is wrong with me?

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