I walked over to the candles and looked at what was on display. Seeing that they were 60% off, I just had to buy one.

I saw a few different ones that caught my eye, Citron Cedarwood, Bow Ties & Bourbon, Bergamot Waters, Watermelon Lemonade, and Mahogany Teakwood.

I picked up the Citron Cedarwood and read the description before smelling it.

Elegant cedar thrives in the countryside of Southern France and is at the heart of this sunny blend of fresh citrus and green moss.

As soon as I smelled the candle, I was addicted to the scent. Placing it in my bag, I picked up the small Mahogany Teakwood.

I closed my eyes and inhaled, taking in the scent of mahogany, oak, and a tiny bit of what smelled like lavender.

I placed the candle in my bag as well, making my way over to the body washes and shower gels. I knew I had to stop myself at some point in this store, so I thought this would be my last stop. Glancing over to the other side of the store, I saw Audrey and Paige by the lotions.... clearly entranced in the 'layering' technique.

I scanned over the bottles, deciding which ones I would like. I swiped Mediterranean Blue Waters into my bag as well as Beautiful Day and Sea Island Cotton. Knowing I had to stop myself, I approached the counter and placed the mesh bag down, allowing the clerk to ring me up.

"Your total today will be $27.43. Did anybody help you today?"

"Paige had offered my friend and I help, but I didn't need any." I said as I handed her $30. Once she handed me my change, I took my blue and white striped bag and walked past Audrey.

"I am going to go wait in the hall, okay?"

"I will be done in a few minutes." She responded and began to finish up gathering the items she wished to purchase.

While I was sitting on the small bench, I had the chance to look at what I was wearing.

I had on my Stitch T-shirt and my baby blue shorts. I wasn't very good at styling my clothes, but I did know what matched and what didn't. Instead of wearing my green converse, I had my light grey, worn out pumas on.

When Audrey came into view, she had a mischievous look on her face.

"What are you thinking?" I asked, cautious of what she could possibly be planning.

"I am going to treat you to something you haven't been treated to before." She said simply, leading the way down the hall. I was perplexed, I had know idea what she was talking about.

It wasn't long before we wound up in front of Victoria's Secret.

"So this is the little secret you were keeping?" I asked, trying to hold back a laugh, "pun intended."

"Yes!" She exclaimed and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the large store.

There were mannequins upon mannequins, all displaying some sort of lingerie.

"And why are you doing this?" I asked as we walked over to the bras, a sheepish feeling overcoming me.

"No questions. What's your bra size and your waist size?"

After giving her the dimensions of my chest and rear end, I began to blush as she went around the store, grabbing multiple things. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, I never bought nice lingerie for myself. I always bought cheap stuff from Target or Walmart.

It wasn't long before she had motioned me towards the dressing room.

"I'm supposed to try these on?" I asked quietly, quite embarrassed by my inexperience in these types of stores.

Moment of ReflectionWhere stories live. Discover now