When The Exs Show Up... |Chap.6|

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"Actually... I been meaning to talk to you." He spoke softly. She looked at him and smiled. I felt some tears well up in my eyes.

"Hey Faw-"David stop at the door next to me seeing what I was seeing. I felt sick to my stomach.

"I forgive you....and I will admit that I use to love you." That's all I needed to hear. I stormed off.

"Fawn!" David called out to me. I ran off quickly I covered my chest to keep it from bouncing all over the place.

I got on the elevator down the last thing I seen before the doors closed were my boyfriends heart broken face. I looked down at my shoes and walked out the building quickly and into my car. I went to my favorite cafe and went order a frap.

"Fawn." I turned around and expected it to be Johnathan but was met with Victor's face. I frowned slightly and he held my hand which I politely pulled away. He looked into my eyes.

"Fawn...can we sit." He asked motioning his head towards the table. I sighed and rolled my eyes sitting down. He sat in the chair across from me. He looked at me.

"You look gorgeous Fawn." He stated looking at me. His eyes only showing sincerity. I blushed lightly and looked down my outfit.

 I blushed lightly and looked down my outfit

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"Victor...stop playing with me you have a whole wife." I stated sipping my drink. He grabbed my hand across the table.

"That I'm not in love with." He whispered. I scrunched up face and he sighed.

"Fawn I'm in love with you..."

I looked at him as if he was speaking a foreign language.

"How Victor? You cheated on me? People in love don't do that." I asked confused as hell.

"Fawn...I love you. I cheater on you because I was scared. I didn't want to do what my father did to my mother. You know that. The night before I almost hit you...and I had to stop myself. I never wanted mess you up like that. I can't help myself. Lisa isn't you. I miss my thick chocolate beauty all the things I said I didn't mean. Your not fat baby. If anything you thick as fuck. I love you Fawn." Victor confessed still holding my hand. Then suddenly...

I heard a deep growl behind me. I looked back to see Johnathan with the angriest face I have ever seen. I moved my hand away from his and Victor looked confused.

"What did you just say...to my wife?" Johnathan growled. Victor looked at me in confusion.

"Wife?" Victor looked at me again for answers

"Excuse Us." I grabbed Johnathan by his arm and dragged him slightly to the side. He was over reacting. Especially since he wanted to talk the hoe Fiona.

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