Wedding Planning

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Hunter's POV

  I sat on the kitchen stool and kicked my feet slowly, yawning softly. Daddy had a few people coming over, and was making some food for all of them. "Who are they again?" I asked, tilting my head. "Friends of mine. They're wedding planners." He said, turning to look at me. I nodded and jumped down from the stool.

  I was wearing the new head band Maw had got me along with a hoodie with a kitten on it and shorts that reached mid-thigh. I stuck my arms out and walked in a straight line, feeling kind of bored. I looked up to find at least four people peeking in our window. I let out a loud scream and Daddy came running to me quickly.

  I pointed at the window and the people waved at him. He laughed and went to open the door before I grabbed his hand slightly and tugged. He looked back at me and I lifted my arms up. He picked me up and held me on his hip as he opened the door. I laid my head on his shoulder, blushing nervously. About six people rushed in, giving him hugs and a couple of the girls kissing his cheek.

  I gripped his shirt and pouted, making him look at me. "Are you jealous, baby?" He chuckled, gaining the attention of the others. I pouted and went red, shaking my head. The others 'awww'ed at me and I hid my face in Daddy's shoulder. He chuckled and kissed my cheek softly. He shifted me so that I was on his other hip and began talking to his friends.

  They each held large binders, some of them holding more than one. "Baby boy, this is Emily, Vin, Coren, Samantha, Luke, and Dottie." He said, pointing to each one. I nodded and waved, my face heating up. Dottie cooed at me and pinched my cheek softly. I looked up at him and he gave me a look that said to just let it slide.

  "I'll go finish the food, you guys talk." He said, setting me on my feet. I felt a bit panicked as they circled me, asking me question after question. I tried to answer them, but got cut off halfway through by another question. I shifted uncomfortably and rubbed my legs together, playing with my fingers. Suddenly Vin cut them all off and crouched down in front of me slowly.

  He held out his hand and smiled. "What's your name?" He asked as I slipped my small hand in his and shook. "Hunter." I said softly, my voice trembling. "Nice to meet you." He said, standing back up. "You too." I replied, feeling shy. "Would you like to show us your room?" Samantha asked and I nodded slowly before turning around and leading them up the stairs. I closed the office door and Daddy's door before opening mine.

  I had cleaned it this morning and Daddy had made my bed for me. I heard them all 'aww' again and I felt my cheeks heat up. They all walked in, saying how cute one thing was to one another. I stood by the door shyly, playing with my fingers. Vin came back to me and smiled, standing next to me. He seemed to be the calmest of them all. "I'm a Daddy too, so I'm used to seeing things like this." He said, ruffling my hair.

  I smiled and nodded, walking to my bed and grabbing my bear before walking back to Vin. "Is that your favorite?" He asked and I nodded fast, squeezing my bear tight against my chest. "Does he have a name?" He asked, looking into my eyes. "I just call him Mr.Bear." I said, tightening the bow around his neck slowly.

  He chuckled and smiled at me before one of the others came up to him. They talked for a few minutes and slowly I snuck out of my room and down the stairs quickly. I bumped into Daddy as I ran into the kitchen and he chuckled, helping me up. "Why are you down here, honey?" He asked, kissing my head as he got the food prepared.

  "Because they keep touching all my stuff." I said grumpily, squeezing the bear. He laughed and picked me up, kissing me softly. He called them down and we all sat, enjoying the food and talking. After we finished Daddy put our plates in the sink and carried me to the living room. We all sat down and they showed us their binders.

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