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Hunter's POV

I woke up several times that night due to nightmares. Daddy would rock me and soothe me back to sleep. Why would they watch such a scary movie? I woke up the next morning to Daddy's breath fanning my face slightly. I giggled softly and cuddled into his chest slowly. His arms tightened around me and he stirred in his sleep. He kissed my forehead and I smiled softly.

"Hi, baby." He says, yawning softly. "Hi." I whisper back. He kisses my lips softly and smiles. He sits up and stretches and I sit up too. "You're having a play date with Ken today." He says and I whine softly. He chuckles softly and kisses my head. "It was an accident what happened last time." He said and I nodded slowly.

He got out of the bed and told me to go to my room. He said I could pick out my outfit today. I bounced excitedly and ran to my room, my bear in my arms. I went to my closet and picked out pink mid-thigh shorts and a yellow t-shirt. I grabbed blue socks and put it all on quickly before running back to Daddy.

He was doing his hair and I watched him, somewhat mesmerized. He turned around and chuckled at me. "None of that matches." He says and I pout at him. "I like it." I say and he nods in response. I walk out of his room and jump down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. I pull a stool over to the counter and climb up, opening the cabinet. I took out one of the granola bars just as I heard Daddy's footsteps getting closer.

I tried to quickly put up the box but he walked into the kitchen just then. He walked to me quickly and pulled me off the stool. "Don't climb on things like that! You could fall and get hurt!" He says and I nod fast. He moves the stool back and puts the box up for me. He kisses my head and takes the granola bar from me and feeds me small bites.

Right as I finish the doorbell rings and I squeeze my bear tighter. I didn't want to play with Ken. Daddy told them to come in and wiped my mouth slowly. Tim and Ken walked in, Ken playing on an iPad, not even paying attention. Tim smiled and ruffled my hair pushing Ken toward me slightly. "You should show Ken your room, Hunter." Daddy says and I jump down from the stool grumpily.

I walk to my room and Ken follows, not looking up from the iPad. He was playing some car racing game. I showed opened the door and he walked in. We walked to the middle and sat down. It was silent, and kind of awkard. I sat next to him and watched him play the game. He started getting close to the finish line and was chanting happily.

Suddenly he flung his arms out happily as he crossed it and came in first. As he did that, he hit me in the eye with the iPad and I whimpered, tearing up and holding my eye. He didn't seem to care and started playing his game again. I laid on the floor holding my eye and crying softly.

I could hear Daddy and Tim laughing as they came closer and closer to my room. Ken was still playing his game and I was laying in the floor in fetal position. I heard my door open and they go silent. "What's wrong with Hunter?" Tim asks Ken. I looked up to see him just shrug, not even looking my way.

Daddy walks to me and bends over me slightly. He picks me up and I keep my eye covered. He takes my hand and moves it away. I try to open my eye but I can't seem to do it. Daddy gasps slightly and so does Tim. "What?" I ask and Daddy taps my eye gently, making me flinch.

"What happened, baby boy?" He asks and I look to the mirror on my wall to see my eye is swollen shut and it's a purple greenish color. I keep my mouth closed, not wanting to tattle on Ken. He stroked my cheek softly and looked down at Ken discreetly. I nod slightly and point at his iPad. Tim sees and walks over to Ken, picking him up.

"Ken?" He asks and he responds with a small 'yes'. "Do you know you gave Hunter a black eye?" Ken looked up from his game and looked at me before looking back. "So?" He asked and I see Tim's face go from irritated to angry. "Say sorry." He says, his teeth clenched as he takes the iPad. Ken whines and crosses his arms shaking his head.

"One more chance, say sorry." Tim tells him. Ken makes a noise and pouts. Tim is fuming by this point and looks to Daddy. He looked scary. "May I?" He asks Daddy and he nods in response. Daddy hands him a key and we all leave my room. Daddy and I go downstairs while Ken and Tim go to a room that is always locked for some reason.

Daddy sits on the couch and puts me on his lap. He turns the t.v. on and turns up the volume really high. I was so confused. Suddenly I hear the screams and cries of Ken along with the sound of smacking. I tear up and hide my face in Daddy's chest, covering my ears. I shake and cry softly. He rubs my back but it doesn't help. What was going on?

"What is he doing?" I ask as the cries continue. "Spanking him." He says and looks down at me. I look to the hall and cry a bit harder. I should've lied about what happened. I could hear the scream and cries and smacks from here. It was terrifying. I hid back in his chest and shook worse crying hard. He covered my ears as well but it still didn't drown out the sounds.

A few minutes passed and it finally stopped. I kept my face buried in Daddy's chest, crying my eyes out. His hands were still over mine and I shook bad. I just wanted to go to sleep. I looked up to see Tim and Ken coming towards us. Tim was dragging him slightly as Ken tried to keep up. He was crying and limping and I felt awful.

Tim handed Daddy the key and they left silently. I quickly got up and ran up the stairs and into my room, closing and locking the door. I ran and hid in my closet as well and rocked back and forth crying hard. I can't believe Tim would hit Ken like that. That didn't seem like he cared for him. Would Daddy ever hit me like that?

I could hear his footsteps and him knocking on my door. I covered my ears and shook my head to myself. I could hear him jiggling the handle before walking away. I stayed in the corner of my closet, crying my eyes out. After a while, I had eventually cried myself to sleep.

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