Three Days

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Hunter's POV

I felt my body shaking as Daddy dragged me to the car, throwing me into my seat and not even bothering to buckle me. I buckle myself slowly and he pulls out of the parking lot quickly. I cry softly and hiccup, holding my bear tight. "Shut up!" He yells and I shake worse, trying to silence my cries. We reach the house and he pulls me out, dragging me up to my room.

I hold my bear tight and cry hard. He pushes me in my room rather roughly and yells, "You'll stay here until you learn to respect me!" And slams my door shut, locking it from the outside. I cried hard and I felt my breathing pick up and I held my bear tight. What was wrong with him? Why was he being so mean? I wanted to go back to my apartment and my job. I wanted back my life. I wanted to break the contract.


A day had passed and he didn't bring me food, water, or even opened my door to let me use the bathroom. I sat in the corner or my room, scared out of my wits. How long was I going to be stuck in my room? Why was he still mad?


Another day had passed and I had messed my pants at least three times. He still hadn't given me water or food or anything at all. I only had a few pairs of underwear left and I was honestly scared he'd keep me in here until I died.


Three. That's how many days I've been locked in this room. Three days without food, water, or using the proper bathroom. I was on my last pair of underwear. I walked to my window and looked out to see a car pulling into the driveway. I quickly grabbed a pen and paper, writing 'Help' on it in big letters. I held it against the window as I saw it was Tim who stepped out.

I knocked on the window harshly and cries hard, making him look up. He squinted to read the paper before I saw him run into the house. I screamed for him as I heard the door slam open and he running to my room. I could hear Daddy screaming at him to stop. The door handle jiggled before the door was kicked in. I ran to him crying and he held me tight as Daddy came up behind him.

Tim picked me up and I held my bear tight. I had dirty pants and ruined underwear scatteted all around my room and Tim looked to Daddy angrily. "What the hell are you doing to him, Kyle?" He yelled and I watched as Daddy swayed around slightly. He held a beer in his hand and I cried hard. Why was he drinking?

"He wasn't respecting me." Was all he said before taking another swig. "That's when you spank him or something, not lock him in a room!" He yells and fans his nose slightly. "And why the hell are you drinking again?" Daddy scowled and I shook with fear as he looked at me in Tim's arms. "Give him back." He slurred, reaching out for me.

I nearly screamed and Tim turned me away from him. "No, you're drinking again. He's coming to my house until you get your fucking priorities straight." Tim says as I shake worse. Daddy's face goes from laid back to angry in a second. "He isn't going anywhere. He's my child, not yours." He says, reaching for me again. I hold onto Tim tighter and cry into his shoulder.

"Back off, man. I will hit you." He says and Daddy steps back, taking another drink. "Whatever, take him." He says and saunters off. I cry and hiccup breathing heavily. Tim rubs my back and grabs a bag, stuffing my clothes and such into it carelessly. "How long have you been in here?" He asks and I hold up three fingers. "Three days?!" He says and I nod, my stomach growling loudly.

"Has he fed you at all, given you water?" He asks and I shake my head. Tim seems to be fuming at what Daddy has done. He storms out of the house and right past Daddy, who's opening another beer. We walk put to Daddy's car and he takes out my booster seat, throwing it into the trunk of his car.

He puts me in Ken's booster seat and we head to his house. I hold my bear tight and cry hard, still shaking in fear. "Does he hate me?" I ask and I hear Tim sigh. "No, champ. He's just, fallen into bad habits again. His work must be really stressing him out again." He says and I nod, looking back at the house.

I miss Daddy already and I wonder if I was really the cause if his stress. I don't want to break the contract amymore, but I didn't want to go back right now. I feel myself drifting off right as we pull in Tim's driveway. He helps me out and Ken comes racing out of the house, some woman following behind him. Tim picks him up and makes a face at me. I'm still crying and Ken's face softens.

"Where's Kyle?" Ken asks Tim and I cry harder. "He's not being a very good Daddy right now, so Hunter is staying with us for a few days." Tim tells him and Ken squirms to get down. He walks to me and hugs me tight and I cry into his shoulder softly. "I'm sorry." He whispers and I hug him back. We stay like that for a few minutes. It felt nice to have a friend.

Tim slowly picked us both up and he and Ken said goodbye to the woman. Ken reached across Tim's chest and wiped away a stray tear and smiled at me. Tim smiled and kissed Ken's forehead. I missed my Daddy.

Tim carried us in and got me fed and made me drink lots of water. I used a proper bathroom and honestly felt a lot better. I looked out the window to see the sun setting and I yawned softly. I hadn't got a good night's sleep in days. Ken handed me my pajamas and told me Ken and I would be sharing a bed while I was here. I went up stairs and put my pajamas on before handing my dirty clothes to Tim.

Ken yawned softly as Tim picked him up. I looked away. I didn't want to see them and be reminded of my Daddy. I heard Ken whisper something to Tim and he set him down. Ken grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to his room. "I'm sorry I hurt your eye." He says as shows me which side of the bed I'll be sleeping on.

"It's okay." I tell him as Tim comes and stands in the doorway. He comes and tucks us both in, kissing Ken's forehead softly and stroking my hair gently, telling me it'll all be okay soon. I nod as Tim turns the light out and closes the door. Ken turns to me and I turn towards him, hugging my bear to my chest. "What happened?" He asked curiously and and play with my fingers slightly.

"He locked me in my room for three days and didn't give me food or water." I say and look up to Ken looking shocked. "Daddy's never done anything like that to me," He says and I sigh softly. "The worst he's done is sent me to bed without dinner. I'm sorry, Hunter." He says and rubs his eyes. I cry softly and Ken hugs me tight.

It was obvious Tim loved Ken, but did Daddy love me? Did he even care about me? I cried into Ken's shoulder and before long I fell asleep.

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