Feeling Better

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Hunter's POV

I woke up as Daddy was carrying me up our stairs. He held my bear in his other hand and I yawned, rubbing my eyes. He kissed my head as we reached my room. He grabbed some pajamas and fresh underwear for me before turning the light out and walking to his room.

I yawned and rested my head on his shoulder. I was too sleepy to be embarrassed when the took off my wet clothes and out on my new dry ones. I laid in the bed snuggling my teddy as I heard him changing his clothes. He climbed into his bed wearing just some sweatpants and boxers. I shivered slightly and he turned out the light, cuddling me into his chest.

I closed my eyes as he hummed to me and I slowly feel back asleep.


I woke up the next morning with an awful headache and it hurt to breathe. I closed my eyes again when I heard Daddy calling my name. I tried to sit up, but I laid back down immediately. I tried to call back out to him but my voice was scratchy and it hurt.

I was in such pain and I felt so weak. My eyes were halfway closed when I heard Daddy walking up the stairs. He reached his room and opened the door to find me with tears in my eyes from how much pain I was in. He kneeled down beside the bed and looked in my eyes with concern. He stroked my hair softly and kissed my cheek.

"Scale of 1-10 how bad are you feeling?" He asks me and I hold up 7 fingers with shaky hands. His face changes into one of worry and he slowly scoops me up in his arms, handing me my bear. "Where does it hurt?" He asks and I rub my head and my chest. He nods and takes me downstairs and lays me on the couch, covering me with a small blanket.

He comes back a second later with liquid pain medicine in a large bottle and big spoon. I shake my head and pull the blanket up to my nose weakly. "It tastes nasty." I say, my throat like razors. "It will make you feel better." He says and pours the liquid into a spoon before putting it near my mouth. I stare at it before opening my mouth slowly, closing my eyes tight.

I feel it on my tongue and immediately want to puke. It's so gross. But I swallow it and wipe my tongue off on my sleeves. He smiles as me and kisses my forehead before handing me the t.v. remote. "I'll eat my breakfast and then come in here with you, okay?" He says and I nod as I turn the t.v. on. He kisses my head before walking out.

I flip through the channels until I find one playing SpongeBob. I sit up slightly and watch, laughing every once in a while but holding my throat in pain right after. About 20 minutes later, Daddy walked into the living room and sat down next to me. I slowly climbed onto his lap and cuddled my back into his chest.

He kissed the top of my head and rested his hands on my tummy. I closed my eyes and yawned softly. I was so comfy and cozy in his arms. He rubbed my chest with one hand and my head with the other. It felt like it was working better than the medicine. I let out a small moan of comfort and I could feel him stiffen up for a second before relaxing.

He knew right now wasn't the best time. I felt as he unbuttoned my pajama top but didn't pull it off. He rubbed my chest all over and I closed my eyes. His hands felt so soothing on my body. After a while of this, I finally gave into sleep.


I woke up a few hours later to Daddy shaking me lightly. He told me I had to take the medicine again. My throat felt better, and so did my head, but my chest was still in pain. I whined but sat up nonetheless as he poured more into the spoon. I opened my mouth again and he put the spoon in my mouth slowly. Once again, I felt like puking.

After taking the medicine, Daddy picked me up gently and carried me up to the bathroom. I held onto his shirt tight and laid my head on his shoulder. He set me on my feet and started the water, checking the temperature before stepping back. My legs felt weak and wobbly but he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me, keeping me up.

I smiled and closed my eyes. Suddenly the water stopped and I felt him pulling my pajama shirt off along with my pajama bottoms. He pulled my underwear off as well and slowly set me in the water. I closed my eyes as the warm water enveloped me and I moaned in comfort.

Daddy took a washcloth and rubbed the warm water into my chest slowly. "Kiss it better, Daddy?" I ask, opening my eyes slightly. He smiles and leans over the rim of the tub, kissing chest softly and I smiled. Closing my eyes again, he continued to rub the warm water into my skin. Before long, he pulled me out of the bath slowly and drained the water. He set me on his lap and used a towel to dry me off.

I felt so weak, I didn't feel like getting dressed was an option. He held me in his arms and carried me to my room and laid me down on my bed. I pulled the comforter over myself and shivered slightly. He came over to me and put a pair of underwear on me along with and big hoodie.

I smiled at him and hugged him tight. "Thank you." I say before falling asleep again.

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