I followed the sound of Jordan's laugh until I found him. He was talking with two people that I've never seen before and Erin.

They were both guys. One wore glasses and had a baby face and was tall, the other had red hair. 

I walked up behind Jordan, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Is this Tom?" Jordan asked the others. They nodded.

"Yep, it's your asshole boyfriend. I'm here to crash the party." I said, kissing Jordan on the cheek then walking towards the food.

"You didn't crash it, Tom. Jordan invited you, right?" Erin asked.

I nodded, turning back around with a mouthful of chips.

"So, let me introduce you to the other two guys." Jordan said. "Baby face is Steven and the red head his Chad."

"I do not have a baby face!" Steven yelled, throwing a chip at Jordan. Jordan caught the chip in his mouth.

"Yeah, you kinda do." I said.

"Like the hair, Tom." Chad said. I forgot that my hair was electric blue.

"Thank you, kind sir."

"Can someone go tell Sonja to get her ass out of the swimming pool? She's hogging it." Steven said.

"How's about we give the pool a break, yeah? And Steven, you're too big to be in that pool anyway." Erin said. She walked outside to get Sonja.

"She's right." Jordan said. "Gigantic."

"Well, you're a small man yourself." Chad said to Jordan.

When Sonja and Erin walked back in, Sonja yelled, "Who's ready to play truth or dare?!"

Steven scoffed. "I want alcohol. I'm a big boy."

"Yeah, a big boy with a baby face..." Sonja mumbled.

"Let's go to the game room. There's more space." Erin said.

We followed her downstairs to the game room. Jordan ran for the big bean bag. He picked it up, walking towards me and placed it at my feet.

Him and I shared the comfortable bean bag while the rest either sat on a chair or the floor.

"I'm starting first because I feel like the person who gets picked on the most should go first." Steven said. He turned to Erin. "Truth or dare."

"Um... Truth?" Erin said, unsure of her answer.

"Do girls pee in the shower?" Steven asked.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure some girls do, but I don't. I bet Sonja does." Erin said, glancing at Sonja.

"I do."

"That question has been in my head for a while, but I was too scared to ask a random girl." Steven said.

"Why didn't you just ask your girlfriend?" Jordan asked.

He shrugged.

"Okay, my turn." Erin interrupted, turning to Jordan. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Jordan said confidently.

She smirked, looking from me to Jordan. "I know you two are in a relationship. But, I've never seen you guys kiss. Wait. How long have you been together?"

"A month." Jordan said.

"Two if you don't count the break up..." I mumbled. "Or is it three?"

"Is the dare for me to kiss Tom?" Jordan asked.

"I'm down." I said.

Before Erin answered, I leaned over and gave Jordan a quick kiss on his lips.

"Gay." Steven said.

"It's amazing." Sonja whispered.

Erin had a wide smile on her face. "Alright, my life is complete. Your turn, Jordan."

"Truth or dare, Sonja?"


"Oh, um, I dare you to say a really bad pun?"

Sonja frowned. "We're you wanting me to say truth? Cause I can say truth."

Jordan nodded.

"Alright, truth."

"Is it true that you have feelings for Martha?"

Sonja's face went a bit pale. She looked a little sad, but shook it off. "No, I don't. We're gonna need some alcohol."

"I'm on it." Steven said, getting up off of the floor and running upstairs.

I rested my head between Jordan's neck and shoulder. "I don't think that was such a good question."

"Yeah, I figured that out." he said. He grabbed my hand and began to play with my fingers.

Jordan would lace our fingers together then pull them apart.

It was cute.

* * *

At around midnight, Jordan decided that it was time to head home. I was a little bit drunk, but not too much.

"I'm not dropping you off at your place. You're coming with me tonight." Jordan said.

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Ooh, I like."

"No sex."

I frowned. "Not at all?"

He nodded.

"You take the fun out of everything."

* * *

shitty chapter guys im vv sorry but i needed to update.

also im almost at 500 and when i reach 500 i might post a new story as well as doing a 'life story so far' kinda thing

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