Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Lauren ( Bestie)



Laurens POV

"Hello love, I'm Zayn and you are?" Zayn asked in a thick british voice. I was in shock so, thankfully  Skylier stepped in and said " Her name is Lauren and she is seriously your number one fan!" He giggled and it was so cute! I stuck my hand out some how and shook his hand. I felt sparks! 

" Well, she is the most gorgeous #1 fan I have ever seen" Zayn said and had a smirk on his face and winked at me. I was probably as red as a tomato at this point. I gave him a hug along with the other boys and we took pictures and they signed my phone case and right before we were about to leave Zayn asked me a weird question. 

" Where are you sitting love? " I looked my ticket and replied " front row, seat 6 why?" he looked at me and smirked and said he was just wondering. Weird... Anyway Skylier and I were walking to our seats and I heard screams come from behind me as 4 beautiful british boys and 1 beautiful irish boy come running onto the stage and start singing "Up All Night" I swear I caught Zayn send me a wink..... 

The concert was already at the end sadly when Zayn asked for everybodys attention 

" I need a very special some one to come up here with me...." all the girls started screaming. He continued " Her name is Lauren.....*more screams* she is in the front row.......*more screams* and seat 6....." it was dead silent and all eyes were on me. Skylier nudged me and pushed me up there. I was on stage and greeted by 5 boys who were all hot and sweaty, which I didn't mind to much..... 

I was directed towards a stool and then the music to 'Little Things" started blaring through the stadium. Zayn  was looking me dead in the eye and Zayn started singing the lyrics.


Thats all for tonight! I will update ASAP ! 


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