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My mother was at a loss for words by the fact that not only did Brianna said some things that were mean and lied about what she did but that her father, the principal, was trying to protect her.

"Well that was unexpected." The principal said.
"Is that all you can say after seeing and hearing that?" My mother responded with a question.
"Well, Jamie was unfortunate, and guess what? It's normal for a rich girl to be pressured." The principal stated making my parents and I angry.

I saw a pained look on Jamie's face as tears were threatening to flow.

"I want Jazmine out of my school! I'm going to expel her!" The principal exclaimed.
"This is unacceptable!" My father said angrily.
"Well your daughter did more damage than mine!" The principal defended.
"That's not the point! Your daughter is a disgrace to the human race!" My father retorted.
"How dare you?!" The principal asked angrily.
"How dare us?! You clearly don't know the value of your job, we can ruin you!" My mother jumped in tired of hearing the principal.

With that being said my mother rose and walked out of the principal's office as we followed. By now, Jamie's emotions won and she was crying again. I felt like I failed my promise because my sister cried twice and I couldn't stop it.

"Jazmine! Are you okay?" Jakaira asked me shocking me. She never calls me Jazmine.
"Yeah I guess." I answered.
"We are friends right? So I can call you Jazmine right?" Jakaira asked.
"Of course you can! " I exclaimed.
"Oh by the way, Thanks Jakaira, for being by my side when I needed a friend." I told her.
"You're Welcomed." She said.
"I want to know something, did you only hang around me because it made you more popular?" I asked.
"No! I hanged around because I like you, you're the only person whose ever really paid any attention to me. You cared for me like a mother does for her child and when I was really hungry that day, you gave me your lunch." Jakaira confessed.
"I see" I said as I was shocked. "Well, I have to go, I'll see you when I see you." I said as I hugged Jakaira and head for the exit.

When we got home, my mom treated Jamie's injuries and I apologized to her for failing my promise. My parents contacted our lawyer which wasn't hard to do because our lawyer was our paternal uncle.

Dad: Hey.
Uncle: Hey, you sound like you need something done.
Dad: Yeah, problems at the school.
Uncle: Problems? Is Jamie getting bullied?
Dad: Yeah, but this is more than bullying, the principal and his daughter are involved in this one and the principal also want to expel Jazmine.
Uncle: What?! I am coming over there as soon as I finish this case.
Dad: Thanks.
Uncle: You're Welcomed, bye.
Dad: Yeah, bye.

It wasn't a very long wait until our uncle had arrive.
"Jazzy, Jaime!" He called out.
"Coming" we said in unison.

I ran into the living room towards my uncle and hugged him which he hugged back. He then saw Jamie and anger and sadness took over his emotional spectrum.

I explained to him what happened the I showed him the media which made him even more angrier.

"I'm going to handle the situation, I have a solution." My uncle said.
"What's that?" Jamie asked.
"We're taking this to the court and if you get enough people to come and confess about the principal threatening teachers on losing their jobs if his daughter doesn't get her own way, we'll use that as well and that can jeopardize his job. " my uncle explained.

"But is there any guarantee that the judge will be on our side?" Jamie asked curiously.
"The truth and evidence should be enough." My uncle said boldly.

"Hey Fernando." My father greeted his brother.
"Hey." my uncle turned around and greeted back.
"You can handle this situation right?" My father asked.
"Don't worry, I got it. I think that court is the best solution." My uncle said hesitantly.
"Oh?" My father seemed surprised.
"Yeah, I am not sure if I can get this resolve without court but if not, we'll have to prepare Jamie as she is shy and probably will be so nervous that it'll be hard." My uncle explained.
"Yeah you are right." My father agreed.

My mother walked into the living room.
"Hey there Fern." My mother greeted.
"Hey there, how are you and the pregnancy coming along?" He asked.
"Oh it's okay for now, I haven't injure anyone, yet." My mother said with a chuckle.

After a while of talking, my uncle left and Jamie and I went to write in our diaries.

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