Chapter 3

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(Luhan's POV)

"Hey hyungs, SM gave me permission to let you all go on a shopping spree." Suho had gathered all the members in the lounge area to deliver the news. SM hardly ever gave us days off so this was always a treat to hear.

"WOOOOO YEAH!" Baekhyun cheered. "I need to buy more tops, mine are all looking so worn-down." He pouted and gestured to his pristine shirt.

"Yah, Baekhyunnie you already have a thousand shirts which you scatter around our room." Chanyeol scolded.

"Nah, nah Chan I don't have enough room in my closet for all my shirts!!"

"It's 'coz you're stuck in it." I heard Chanyeol mutter slyly with Baekhyun completely oblivious to what his hyung had just said.

"We'll take the van in about 30 minutes so get your butts ready." Suho ushered everyone out the room and I ran back to my room in excitement.

It had been too long since I'd last gone shopping and I wanted to buy something for Kris. He had told me that he didn't want me to spend money on him as he didn't need physical objects to know how much I loved him, but much to his annoyance I still did it anyway. I giggled at the memory when I had bought Kris a wolf hat and he refused to wear it because it wasn't his 'style'. Yet I managed to convince him after giving him a pouty face and about a million kisses.

On the subject of hats... Where did I put my snapback? Last time I had it I was with the others doing dance practice, yet it was nowhere to be seen.

"KRISSSS-YAH!" I sobbed running into his room. "I can't find my snapback!! I need it to protect my face from the sun, otherwise it'll be ruined." I hid my face in his shoulder while I panicked over my complexion.

"You're so silly Luhan, a little sun won't ruin your perfect face." Kris held me at shoulders length and stared at me. "What're you doing getting all worked up about it, huh? Stupid deer."

My eyes widened and I looked pleadingly at him. "I want my face to be good enough for you Kris, I wanna keep it in good condition."

He chuckled and shook his head smiling softly at me. "Lu I'm not dating you because of your face, even though you are the most handsome guy I have met. I'm dating you because you are the most loving, caring and adorable person in the galaxy."

My face started to heat up and I smiled back at him. "I love you. You always know how to make me feel better, it's like you have a book filled with all the words which you know will cheer me up."

"I just know you too well~" He sang as he grabbed one of his snapbacks and put it on my head. "You can take one of mine, since I don't want you to worry about not going in the sun." He grabbed another one and put it on his own head. "Look, we're matching!" He giggled as he pointed to the mirror.

I laughed and looked at Kris' reflection. He is so adorable when he laughs, which is rare since he normally has a straight 'cool guy' look. "Thank you babe. You really do know me too well." I pecked his lips.

"Stop flirting you two, Suho is about to blow his head off as you're taking too long." Kai stood in the doorway and scolded us. "You can have fun afterwards, just hurry up." Kai winked and left.

I giggled as I imagined Suho sighing in annoyance at his members. I kinda did feel sorry for him though, SM put a lot of pressure on him and we hardly ever listened to him. 

"Cmon, let's go." I jumped up and grabbed Kris' hand. "We're going shoppingggg~" I yelled as I ran, dragging a laughing Kris along behind me.

"Slow down silly, it doesn't matter if we're a little bit late." Kris jerked on my arm, pulling me back. His lips collided with mine and we stood in the hallway in each other's arms. 

I pulled back out of breath. "Someone's a bit eager." I grinned at him and he leaned in for another kiss. "Nuh-uh, you gotta wait till tonight, you naughty kid." I teased him.

"But Luuuu~" He pouted adorably and gave me puppy dog eyes. "You said that last night, but nothing happened." 

"And who's fault was that?! You fell asleep while watching the movie." I reminded him with a smile.

His mouth fell into a 'O' shape. "Oops." He muttered.

"It doesn't matter, I fell asleep with your handsome face next to me. That's more than enough." I poked his nose. "Now let's go before we get even more told off by Suho." Once again I started running towards the car, looking forward to the day ahead of me which I could spend with all the members of EXO.

//I've been watching EXO Next Door and fangirling so hard ahhhh~ Baekhyun and D.O are such bias wreckers ;_;//

Be Mine (EXO FANFIC) boyxboyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora