Chapter 15

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*Your POV*

I sit up in bed with a scream. Avi runs to my side and hugs me close. "Who, what, where?!" Avi yells and I look around to notice we are still in the car and pulling into the safe houses driveway. "Hey this is the house that we lived in when we ran away from everyone!" Avi says  and Scott, F\N, Kirstie look down at the ground and Andrew glares at them. "What did you do?" He asks and they explained what happened. 


"We are never gonna find him Pentatoinx is over might as well give up." I growl then pull Esther and Kevin aside. "Go and pack all your possessions and meet me back here." I tell them they do as I tell them. Esther comes back in about another hour. Scott, Mitch and Kristie are looking for jobs. Esther and Kevin follow me downstairs. "Avi pack your things we are leaving." I say and Kevin looks at me and Esther starts to cry and runs to her brother. "Lets go bro. I can't believe they look for Y\N forever but then after an hour they stop looking for you." She says crying. Kevin just goes and packs Avis things. "So Y\N where are we going?" Esther and Kevin ask. I Smile. "Alabama. Where we will never be found."

Flashback end

Avi and Andrew growl at the explanation except for different reasons Avi the flash back, and Andrew for the story. We all climb out of the car and go into the house. Well they all did while me and Andrew stayed behind to talk. Avi looked behind him before he went into the house and I smile at him. "the same rooms as last time unless you want to share." I yell at him and he smiles. I turn back to Andrew and he smiles. "You really love him don't you Y\N." He asks me and I look at him. "Duh otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to marry him." I say and he smiles. "I suppose that everyone else is family to?" He asks and I nod. He nods and walks to the house. "I will stay in the secret room in the basement." He says as he walks downstairs. I smile and walk to my room only to find Avi laying Face first on the bed. "Avi dear are you ok?" I ask with a chuckle. "I am fine I just like your bed its comfy." He says and I laugh as I jump into my bed knocking him onto the floor. He laughs as he lay's on the floor. "Get up here you goof." I say as I pull him up. "I want to cuddle." I say and cuddle into his side. He smiles and hugs me close. I start to fall asleep only to be awaken by a screaming Mitch. "OMG THEY ARE WALKING CLOSETS?" We hear coming from down the hallway. I run to Mitches room and find him on the floor having Scott hold him. "Walk in closets with an attached bathroom. Scott am I dreaming?" Mitch asks Scott and Scott shakes his head. "If you are I am having the same dream." He says and I smile. "Mitch, Scott you are not dreaming. This is real life. Oh Mitch push that button on the wall real quick" I say and Mitch does as he is told and out from the wall opens a door that reveals a cat room. "WYATT!!" Mitch screams and there sits wyatt on a throw pillow made  of out of silk.  Mitch runs forward and cradles Wyatt on hims lap. Wyatt cuddles up on his lap and uses the scruff on Mitches chin to scratch himself. I smile at the sight and Avi and I back out of the room and into the living room only to find Kevin and F\N making out on the couch. "There marriage was the best one I have been to in a while." I whisper and walk down stairs to find Esther and Andrew discussing security so we left them alone. We went to the kitchen to find Kirstie cooking. "Hey Kirstie can we help ya cook?" I ask and she smiles. "Sure but you have to do me one thing..." She says with a cruel smile. "What?"  Avi asks. "You have to.."

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