Chapter 14

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*Your POV*

I hear beeps coming from my left and someone speaking on my right. "Y\N you have to come back. You can't die I love you..." The speaker dissolves into sobs. I try to open my eyes only to find that I am unable to. 'Come on you have to Y\N For Avi!' 'Ya like that's gonna do anything..' I force my eyes open and then I hear a gasp from the end of the 'oh never mind forget I said anything.' I smirk inside before looking at the end of the bed. There stands a nurse. "You weren't supposed to wake up yet. I made sure of that!" She exclaimes and I realize that the nurse is actually F\N. "F\N What do you mean by 'I wasn't supposed to wake up' and 'I made sure of that?!'" I ask and she glares at me. "Y\N you need to wake up and look to the right of the bed." I glare before everything goes white.
*Avi POV *
I lay next to my angels bed and hold her right hand. I feel the tears slip out if my eyes before I can stop them. "Y/N you have to come back. You can't die I love you.." I say the end of my sentence turning into sobs. He eyes pry open and look to her right. The second her eyes land on me she smiles and tryst to speak but I won't let her. Withing seconds my mouth is covering hers and my fingers cupping her face. I break the kiss and bury my head into her chest. "Never do that to me again. I thought I lost you and I could not deal with that I haven't left your side in 2 days." I say crying into her chest and her arms wrapped around my kneck. "Avi what happened. All I remember is F/N screaming then black." She says and looks at me. "Samantha had a bomb placed under the car and it didn't detonate as planned and it only blew up a small section of the car. You were the only one hurt." I explain she looks at me like I is crazy. "How is that possible? I was sitting on your lap." She points out and I looks down at her. "Your right. Maybe the blast blew you off me and you flew through the window sheild. They did find you a few feet away." I say and she looks at me with a knowing look in her eyes. "You went a bit dark didn't you?" She asks. I nod as shame fills me.
*Your POV *
I smile at him then lift his head and kissed him. "Avi please tell me you didn't hurt anyone." I demanded and he shakes his head. "No Andrew stopped me before I could. He basically handcuffed me to himself and knocked me out." He explains. I nod and make a mental note to thank Andrew later. "Well as much as lying in the hospital is...I want to go home." I say and Avi smiles. "Well we can because Samantha died she was shot in a hit and run so ya we safe to go home dragon." I smile and he picks me up and carry me to the car.
*Mitches POV*

I woke up in Scotts arms with Scott crying. "Scott what's wrong?" I ask my voice raspy form not using it for so long. "You were shot mitch and you were in a deep sleep but not a coma. You wouldn't move I was scared you were dead. Don't ever do that to me." Scott says and i smile. "I can't promise anything but for you Scott I will try." I say and snuggle into his arms. He smiles and kisses my forehead as he drifts off to sleep. I motion Kirstie over and she smiles seeing I am awake. "Yes Mitch what do you need?" She asks me and i nod up at scott. "How has he been doing with me asleep?" I ask and she gets a sad look on her face. "Well we forced him to eat and he didn't sleep much. "She tells me and she rubs my head sadly. "He thought you weren't gonna come back. He needs you more now than ever." She says before she is called away by Esther. I smile up at Scott and start to dose off.
*Your POV*
I am set down in the car only to be bombarded with hugs. "Oh thank goodness that you are ok! Oh Mitch woke up" I say and everyone looks at me. "Your glad we are ok? You were the one hospitalized!" They all exclaim and I look at them. "Ok of course I am glad that bomb could have killed you all I am happy I am the only one that was hurt." I say as I signal Andrew to start driving. He nods and starts to drive by stomping on the gas petal. Me being the only person who has encountered this before stopped myself from going flying. Everyone else screamed and went flying backwards into their seats. "Again Andrew? I thought we were past that." I say and he smiles. "I can fling you back but you can always fling me how is that possible?" I smile "Hey Look a llama." I say pointing out the window. " Oh where?!" Eight voices Cry out. I look around and sure enough. Kevin, F/N, Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Esther, Avi, and Andrew are all looking out the window. I crawl onto Andrew's lap and floor the gas petal out of dangers way. "How did you get up here? When did you get up here?" Andrew asks and I look at him. "When you were searching for the llama." I say and push him out of his seat. He grunts and lands on Kevin and F/N. "Oh F/N congrats on the pregnancy." Andrew says and everyone except me goes pale. "What?"
Hey everyone I got one done but because of the current storm I think that is all I am gonna get done sorry. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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