Let it Flow

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All life is just borrow

Yeah, we experience sorrow

Let go of the death's arrow

Just let it flow

Time will come where there's no sad

And all people will be glad

Don't kill yourself my lad

Forget those memories that are bad

Bring out all the best of you

Go out in the box of darkness and blue

The world is wonderful, and it's true

There's more to life than on what you're thinking to do

Sometimes, we think that our life is full of shits. We come to the point of attempting suicide, but there is more to life than death and sadness. We just have that life is wonderful and full of fun. We must not lock ourselves in a room of darkness. WE have to keep on going. WE have to move forward, not backward.

Mga Piyesang KumupasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon