Chapter 18: Claiming What's Hers

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When Caius came back with her breakfast. She ate very little then went and laid back down in his bed. Katerina I got your lesson from Marcus so you can keep up with your lessons. Caius said softly to her she turned around and faced him. What's my lesson today. Well today you are going to learn about vampire mates. He explained to her all the ins and outs of vampire mating. So your saying that every vampire has a soul mate but sometimes and rarely they can have two. And that they can never ever hurt their mate. Does that mean I will have one. She asked well I was going to discuss that with you. You are one of the rare ones. You have two mates. He said really who are they do you know. She asked yes I do and so do you. He replied really please tell me. She asked well it's me and Marcus. He replied what really your my mate she smiled yes I am he replied that explains why I felt so connected to you since I first spoke to you at the masquerade party. But if Marcus is also my mate why is he with the other woman. She asked sadly well Marcus met her before he met you. They have a complicated history. He never meant to hurt you in this way. He is trying to get her away from him but she won't listen to him he does love you more than anything. Caius explained I see s when he said that someone had filled the hole in his heart was he talking about me she asked yes he was. She nodded I'm going to go for a walk I need to process all this information. She said as she slipped on her jacket I will be back I awhile. She said ok I will be here waiting. He replied. Katerina made her way to Marcus study when she reached the door she debated if she should go in. She finally decided to go in she opened the door she gasped at the sight of Cleo and Marcus in what looked like a passionate embrace and kiss. She covered her mouth and turn quickly and ran. She could hear Marcus yell after her she kept running until she found herself in Aro's study. Aro ad Sculpicia stood up quickly at the sudden appearance of their daughter crying. Sweetie what happened why are you crying sculpicia asked worried. I walked in on Marcus kissing that woman Cleo . She said what are you sure my dear. Aro asked he looked livid. I'm going to kill him Aro said wait husband you know that Cleo probably forced herself on him. He would never intentionally cause harm to the mate bond. Sulpicia said I think I know what to do. She said Katerina at me Marcus loves you I know he does ever since he held you in his arms that first day. He has been waiting for you his whole life. I know he would throw all of it away on that tramp of a woman. She has been trying to be with him since they met. Every time he refuses her. Sculpicia said so what do I do Katerina replied your going to claim what's yours and send. That vile woman packing. She said come she led her back to her room. The next hour sculpicia dressed her up and did her make up. When she finished she smiled. Now he can't resist you. She gave her instructions on what to do. Now Katerina was standing in front of Marcus study one last time. She took a deep breath then exhaled. She reached and opened the door.

Once inside she didn't see Marcus but she did see Cleo sitting in his chair like she belonged there. Katerina got pissed. She walked over to her. Oh look if it isn't the mortal princess. What you want pathetic thing. You know things were going great for me and Marcus until you came into the picture. She snapped at Katerina. No they weren't he never wanted you and he doesn't want you. So I came here to ask you to leave and never come back. She said or what you'll try to hurt me. I'd let to see you try. I could snap your neck like that if I wanted to Cleo replied. Oh I won't d anything but I will have you executed for breaking thee law. Katerina replied Cleo got up and slammed her against the wall and held her by her the neck squeezing tightly. Katerina was gasping for air. She couldn't breathe. Don't yo dare threaten me you pathetic human. I will end you. Marcus is all mine and no one else's especially not yours. Katerina began to turn blue. That's it breathe your last Cleo said katerina started to see black spots then her eyes began to close. She tried to fight it she had to live for caius and Marcus. Suddenly the pressure was gone she collapse to the ground the last thing she heard was the ear piercing scream of Cleo and Marcus voice calling her name over and over then everything went black...

Marcus tried to run after katerina but lost her scent half way through. He sighed to himself he didn't want to go back to his study. Most likely Cleo was still there. She could never take a hint. He went to the gardens he stayed there for the rest of the day. As the sun set he was watering the flowers at didymes grave when suddenly a searing fear shot through his chest from his bond with katerina. He ran back into the castle. He ran into sculpicia. Where is katerina. He asked frantically I thought she was with you I sent her to your study. She replied no Cleo is there alone. I was in the garden. He ran do his study at full speed. He could feel the bond fading as he ran. He got to his study and threw the doors open. He attacked Cleo. He grabbed her and threw her across the room. He grabbed her by the head and ripped it off. He threw her into the fireplace. He then ran over to where Katerina had fallen to the ground. KATERINA, KAT, MY LOVE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME I'M SO SORRY.he yelled he listened for her heartbeat it was faint but still there. He called Caius. Caius walked in seconds later what happened to her. He frantically asked. She tried to kill her. Marcus cried it's all my fault he held her closer. Marcus she's still alive that's al that matters. I'll have Aro send for Carlisle. We just need to put her somewhere comfortable. He took Katerina from Marcus come brother. Marcus followed behind. Caius laid her down in Marcus bed.

A week later Katerina opened her eyes. She tried to speak but her throat hurt too much. It felt as if someone had clawed at it till raw. She turned her head and winced she saw a blonde haired man with topaz eyes. Where am I. Is this heaven. She asked hoarsely. The man chuckled no princess it's not this is Marcus room. Don't talk to much you suffered severe bruising. You will need to rest for the next week no talking. The door opened she turned and looked over Caius walked in how is she Carlisle. He asked you can ask her yourself. Caius walked over hey princess. How you feeling. He asked I'm doing okay. Where is Marcus he saved me she said he will be around later. He replied oh ok she replied get some rest princess I will be back later. He kissed her forehead then left. Katerina fell back to sleep.

A few days later...

Marcus walked into his room. He tried to be quiet. But hit the desk which made some books fall off the table. Katerina stirred a little then opened her eyes. She looked around until her eyes landed on Marcus picking up the books that fell. Marcus is that you she asked he stopped and looked back at her yes it's me princessa. He replied. He walked over to her he grabbed her hand I'm so sorry I should have been there for you. He said I know my love. Marcus I forgive you and I love you Caius explained Everything about the mating pull. She replied. I love you so much more. He replied he leaned down she looked up into his eyes they were almost black. He looked down to her lips he slowly leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. She kissed him back he moved onto the bed next to her. He pulled her closer to him. She moved over until she was on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist. They continued until he pulled away. If we don't stop I will lose control. He whispered into her ear. It's fine I want you marcus. He nodded and continued. They continued until she was too exhausted to continue. She woke up the next morning in bliss.

Hope you enjoyed let me know your thoughts. Review and vote. Thanks again
Love Woodruff92

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