
My phone rang and I immediately answered, seeing Josiah's name as the caller id. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Its Isobella and Robyn. They've been jumped with Rhiannon and Piper," Josiah breathed out. "I'm on my way." I said. I ran to get Ray and I dragged him to his car by his ear. Whenever I freaked out I acted like a stern mother who was disciplining her child, and Ray knew it. "Drive me to the hospital. Now." I said sternly and he said no words as he started the car up.

I rushed into the hospital and called Josiah to get the floor number they was on. Once I got the floor number, we rushed up to the floor. "Momma," Josiah ran to me and immediately hugged me. We sat down and I let him cry in my chest, letting him soak my shirt up. "What happened?" I asked, turning to Piper who was a bawling mess. "We was jumped.. and.. they pushed us.. out the way.. to get a good start.. on beating Bella.. and then they stabbed her.. telling her not to mess with CJ no more.." Piper heaved out and I balled my fists up once I heard CJ's name. "Oh hell no." Ray exclaimed. "I'll handle those heffers and that no good CJ. Just y'all see." I said, nodding my head angrily. "Where's Robyn?" I asked calmly. "As soon as we got in the ambulance she started having a asthma attack and passed out," Rhiannon said, like she was in some sort of trance. Neicy, Landon, and Raheem, their son, rushed into the waiting area. "Where is she?!" Raheem exclaimed. "They're trying to take the knife out of her shoulder," Rhiannon said, putting her feet in the chair. "I told her to stop messing with CJ but no she ain't listen to me!" RaeSean said angrily, pacing the room angrily. Josiah wiped his tears and went over to Piper to try to calm her down. "I'm going to kill those bitches. I'm going to KILL them!" Piper said angrily. "Nobody fucks with my family and gets away with it! NOBODY!" Piper growled, picking up a magazine and lifting it up to throw it. "Piper. We will get them back and you know this. All I need is to know what they look like and we'll be set. Best believe they'll know not to fuck with us." I said, smirking. "Oh no Isobel. I'm not letting you kill them children." Ray said. "Who said I was gonna kill them though?" I asked. "I know you Isobel. You're not going to do this." Ray said and I started to get pissed. "No Rayon you obviously DON'T know me! Remember when I handled Chresanto and Tasha? I ain't kill them now did I? I handled those bitches who kept arguing with us in high school and I didn't kill them, now did I?" I asked, getting up and walking over to him. "No. I didn't. I will get revenge and you will not stop me. Not this time." I shook my head. "Yes I'm going to stop you. Again." Ray said. "You may have stopped me when those kids teased Josiah and they was robbing RaeSean for his lunch money. I'm going to find them too, and I'm going to get my revenge.You're NOT going to stop me. I refuse to let you stop me." I growled. "Izzy, come sit down with me hun." Neicy said, leading me a chair by her and Raheem. "You need to listen to Rayon. He's right. You don't want to go to jail now do you?" Niecy asked and I shook my head. "The Smith family?" I heard and I jumped up. "Yes? I'm Isobella and Robyn's mother. Are they okay?" I asked the doctor. They're fine, Isobella is healing from her knife wound now. She's awake now. Two people at a time and they're in room 110," the doctor said and he left. Ray stood up and I gave him a look. "I want Raheem to go first." I said. "Just tell her that you hope she feel's better and leave. Just do that and see what she does." I smiled and he nodded. "Wish me luck y'all." Raheem said and went to go see Isobella. "The hell Isobel?" Ray asked. "I'm hooking her up with Raheem. She shouldn't be with that CJ boy and she knows it. I'm giving her a little push in the right direction." I said. I got a text from Rocco, telling me to come over to his house when I got out of the hospital. I texted back that I'll be there and waited for Raheem to come back.


I found Isobella and Robyn's room and knocked, letting my presence be known. "Come in," Isobella said and I walked in. I saw Isobella watching TV while Robyn was asleep. "Hey Bela," I said. "What's up, Rah?" she said, and it sent chills up my spine to hear her say my name. "I just wanted to let you know that I hope you feel better." I said, and turned towards the door. "Wait, what? You're not gonna flirt me?" Bella asked and I turned around. "Nah, that's played out now." I said. "Hey Rah... Maybe when I get out of here, we can go out sometime?" Bella asked nervously. "Okay, sure. I'm looking forward to it." I said. "Pick me up at my house, okay?" Bella said and I nodded. "I got you," I smiled at her. I walked over to her and kissed her on her forehead. "Hope you feel better, Bells," I said, using the nickname I made up for her. "Thanks, Rah." Bella said, smiling. "Sit," she said and I sat down next to her on the bed. She grabbed my hand and I smiled, linking my fingers with hers and rubbing her hand with my thumb. "I can't wait until I get out of here to bust a cap in CJ's ass, Raheem. You just don't know." Bella said and I frowned. "Why you so concerned about him?" I asked. "If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in here." Bella said. "How does this revolve him?" I asked, completely confused. "The bitches who jumped me told me to stop fucking with CJ." Bella said and I scowled. "The boys and I will take care of him." I smirked.


I took Isobel home once we went inside to see our girls. Isobel jumped out the car, slamming the door in the process. She opened the door to the house and I followed after her, hoping to calm her down. "Isobel baby," I tried. "SHUT UP!" Isobel yelled at me, balling her fists up and glaring at me. She went into our room and I heard the door slam. I went upstairs and I saw her punch the wall, cracking the wall. "Where did I go wrong Ray?" Isobel fell down on the floor and started sobbing, balling into a little ball. "Oh my baby." I said, sitting down next to her. "Get away from me. You ain't shit Ray. Niggas aren't shit but tricks. Always having a girl stressed out." Isobel said, glaring at me. "No." I said. "I think I said get away." Isobel repeated. "Give me my phone." Isobel said and I passed her the phone, looking at her lock screen. It was all of us. Me, her, RaeSean, Josiah, Bella and Robyn smiling like we were the perfect family everyone wanted to be. The boys and I was on the ground, sitting at the girls feet while they grinned. I remember that day, it was last year when the boys looked up to me because I beat the lifeguard for saying inappropriate things to Isobel. They thought I was the coolest dad in the world back then. "Rocco's coming to pick me up in a hour. I can't be around you right now." Isobel spoke up and I brought my knees up to my chest. "Boy are those tears coming out of your eyes? You better man up." Isobel said and I felt my face to feel the tears on my cheeks. She got up and changed her clothes. I heard a car horn and she left out of the room quietly. I sat there, hearing the door slam and Rocco's car drive off. "Dammit Isobel!" I yelled, throwing a book at the wall. I looked at the book to see it was Isobel's journal, the one she kept on the dresser underneath her jewelry box. I opened it and thumbed through the pages. It started from when she was 16 to now. I saw one from a few years ago. "Hmm. This one is around the time when the boys were four.." I said and started reading.

Today I left the boys with R and S. Manny made a bet with me to c if R will cheat with S. if i lose i have to sleep with Manny for 3 days and if i win he'll have to buy me 3 cars. ik R will be faithful to me til the boys r 18 so ik those 3 cars were gonna be mine.

"She really thought that I wouldn't cheat and I cheated.." I said. "I think I just ran my wife away... And into the arms of another man.." I said, thinking of the worst.

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