Her stomach did three summer saults when she saw the baby's bed empty. Payton felt her throat closing and her stomach tighten. SHe looked all over the room and the children's room. She threw open the door and slammed it behind her. She ran down both ends of the house and didn't see him.

Joshua heard the door slam and then someone running up and down the breezeway. He assumed one of the kids had woken up so he opened the door to check and found Payton looking frantic.

When Payton saw Joshua she was in tears, her eyes huge, "I can't find him!" she cried, "He's gone!"

"Who?" Joshua asked walking toward her.



"Yes, Nate! He was asleep in his crib and I fell asleep....."

"Shhh, it's okay. He's over here with me." he told her bringing her into the living area." He pulled the door closed as Payton ran and scooped him up from the floor.

She hugged him until he started to cry and she was crying; then she looked over to her husband. "What were you thinking? You scared me to death!" She was very upset.

Joshua went to her and hugged her and then took Nate from her arms and placed him on the floor to continue playing with the dog. "I was thinking you looked exhausted and Nate was awake. I was to a stopping point. I knew you would be up soon." He smiled and kissed her forehead.

She was stiff in his embrace. "Oh. Well." was all she could say.

Joshua laughed, "You must have been tired because Nate and I have been over here tormenting Jed for the better part of an hour."

"Oh no!" she cried. "The noodles?" she rushed over to the stove.

"I've kept an eye on them."

Payton sighed, "Thank you, Joshua." she put a hand on her forehead and sat down on the bench. Her elbow resting on the table. "I don't know what's come over me here of late. I'm tired all of the time and i'm so forgetful anymore."

Joshua was looking at through narrowed eyes and she sighed, "I guess it's just the stress of the house." she said with a weak smile.

Joshua let a heavy sigh escape his lips and then walked around the room twice. He rubbed his mouth and thick beard down. She could tell he was suddenly very serious.

"Payton?" he asked

"Yes, Joshua?"

He sighed again and paced to the other side of the room. Nate watched him with an open mouth and drool hanging from his chin. His hand was resting on his knee and the other on Jed's cold, wet nose. The dog didn't seem to even notice. His eyes were closed.

Joshua sighed again and shook his head slowly.

"Joshua, what is it? You're starting to scare me."

"You've also been dizzy a few times in the last month and a half or so."

"Yes, so...."

"You are always tired." he told her looking at her now.

"Yes, and so are you. We are both loosing sleep." she told him.

"Payton, Nate doesn't ever want to nurse you anymore."

"I know!" she said, "I try! And what does that have to with anything?!"

Joshua came to her, "Payton, do you think......" he took her hands in his and she stood to her feet, "I mean since we have, uh, been together have you....." he cleared his throat, this really wasn't something husbands and wives conversed on. "Have you had a uh, a time of the month where....."

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora