Chapter 34; It failed...

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All I see is the computer blowing to bits, many pieces of rubble hitting my face, I get blown back into the door with enough momentum to make it smash down
Everything goes black.

<back to normal, no longer Felix's POV, because that would be pretty boring>

Alarms start to go off all around camp, everyone stops what they're doing and quickly looks at the computer lab, where they know Felix is at.
Smoke is escaping from everyone window.
Melody looks at Mackenzie
"Oh god!!! He failed!!!" She shouted as she ran towards the building, Mackenzie following close behind.
Casey and Mitch go into the now burning building, they see Felix on the ground near the basement, well, what used to be a basement.
Now it's all destroyed.
They carry him out of what used to be the computer lab.
"FELIX!" Melody screams when she sees him lying unconscious on the ground.
"NO! PLEASE GOD NO!" She yells as tears start pouring down her cheeks.
"Melody, he'll be okay, it's okay, he'll be fine." Mackenzie said soothingly, trying to calm her down, but didn't believe a word she was saying.
"We need to get Jordan." Casey says to Mitch, and they run off.
Melody slumps down to her knees and takes one of Felix's hands.
"Please be okay.. Oh god please." She whispered under her breath through tears.
"What's going on?!" Jace asks as he, Zoey, and Ella run over.
"The whole place blew up.." Mackenzie says.
"Felix got knocked out." She adds looking down at him.
"Is he okay?" Jace asks, also kneeling down beside him.
Melody shakes her head.
"I don't know.." She says.
"Idiot." Zoey says.
"Why did he try to do that dumb code anyways?" She asks Ella, who shakes her head.
"Oh my god." Jordan says as he runs over to them with Mitch, Casey, and Carly.
"We need to get him to the infirmary right away, Carly get a stretcher from there quick." Jordan instructs.
"Does he have a pulse?" He asks, terrified.
Melody feels his wrist.
"Yeah, but it's faint." She says as more tears pour down.
"Here." Carly says as she comes back with the stretcher.
Mitch and Casey lift him up onto it and they go back to the infirmary, everyone following close.
"You guys are going to have to leave." Mitch says before they could walk in.
"No, we aren't leaving." Mackenzie says.
"Yeah, that is my best friend in there." Jace says, trying to push by Mitch.
"Yes we do! That's why we want to stay!" Zoey says.
"Mitch is right, it's safer and will be less trouble if you guys leave." Carly says walking up behind him, her face white with terror.
"Fine, but you better tell us as soon as we can come back." Ella says.
Everyone walks off except Melody, who stays and crosses her arms, not moving.
"Did you not understand the word 'go'?" Mitch asked her.
"If you want me to leave, you are going to have to force me." She said, her voice stone cold.
"No problem." Mitch said as he grabbed her and carried her back over to the dorms, her trying to punch him the whole time.

"It's so awe-" Jace gets interrupted by the door opening.
"And don't come back!" Mitch said as he pushed Melody into the dorms.
"Ugh!" She said as she stormed into the girls' dorm and slammed the door.
"Should we go talk to her?" Zoey asked uncertainly.
"No, she is really, and I mean really violent when she's mad.." Mackenzie said, remembering in tenth grade when Melody punched her mom's boyfriend in the face after she got mad at him.
"How do you know? You never seen her that mad." Ella asks her.
"She told me." Mackenzie says, remembering the rule about not knowing anyone here from your old life.
"So do any of you know exactly what he was trying to do?" Jace asks them.
"No, all we now is exactly what you know. Him and his codes. And apparently he got it wrong, and like he said, the whole computer blew up." Zoey answered.
A long silence followed.
"Screw it." Melody said as she walked back out of the door, slamming it again.
"Where are you going?" Mackenzie asked, getting up, ready to stop her from going back to the infirmary.
"I'm going to train." She said as she walked out of the dorm door.
"Come on, it's better than sitting around." Mackenzie says, gesturing to them and opening the door.
"Do you guys want to do the parkour? We never did it just all of us." Zoey offers.
"It's not all of us." Melody says, looking in the direction of the infirmary.
"Melody, he's going to be okay, did you see all of the high- tech medical gear we have?" Mackenzie asks.
"Yeah, but still. I'm worried about him. I've never liked anyone this much before." She said as another tear rolled down her cheek.
"Come on, we need to get our minds off of this." Zoey said, dragging Melody and Mackenzie to the parkour.

"Come on guys! I'v literally been waiting for you guys for ten minutes!" Mackenzie calls from the top, waiting so they could all jump down together.
"I'm almost done!" Zoey says, two platforms away from her.
"Finished!" She says as she jumps over next to Mackenzie at the end.
They look at everyone else, Jace is almost to the last checkpoint as well as Ella, and Melody just fell off of the fifth level.
"Why is she so distracted? I'm sure Felix will be okay." Zoey says watching Melody get back to the elevator.
"What if that was Casey in there?" Mackenzie asks Zoey.
"Well that's different." Zoey says.
"Well that's how Melody feels about Felix. Like she said, she really likes him." Mackenzie says as Ella jumps the platform beside them.
"Then Felix is an idiot." Zoey says.
"How is Felix an idiot?" Ella asks, overhearing.
"If Melody likes him so much, he's stupid for not asking her out yet." Zoey says.
"I mean, I'm pretty sure he won't get a girl that likes him that much ever again in his life!" Zoey says.
"Yeah, if he's still alive after that." Ella whispers sadly, hoping Melody didn't hear.
"He will be!" Mackenzie says.
Jace jumps onto the last platform with them all, and they turn and look at Melody, who is three away.
"Almost done." She says glumly.
When she finishes they all get ready to jump.
"On three." Mackenzie says excitedly.
"This is like squad goals." Ella says with a little laugh.
"Ha yeah!" Zoey adds.
"One." Mackenzie says.
They get ready to jump.
She says as they all hop off of the platform.

"Okay, that was kinda fun.." Melody says, smiling a bit.
"Why don't we get some dinner? I'm starving." Jace says.
"Oh, me too." Ella says.
They all walk to Food and Café.
"What do you guys want?" Jace asks as he goes to order.
"Just a vanilla frappé." Mackenzie says.
"Um, how about a double cheeseburger for me, and.. Medium coke." Ella says.
"Make that two." Zoey adds.
"Southwest sal-" Melody says but stops, remember ordering that in her "date" with Felix. She feels tears welling up in her eyes and quickly blinks it away.
"Just an iced vanilla latte." She says and walks over to Mackenzie, hugging her.
Mackenzie hugs her back, trying to make her feel better.
"Why. Couldn't it. Of been. Me?!" She says as she starts to cry.
"Listen, I bet Casey is going to walk through that door any second and tell us that he is okay, and we can visit him." Mackenzie says to Melody.
"Here's the food." Jace said as he set it down on a table.
Everyone sits at it, quietly eating their food.
Casey walks in with Jordan, not seeing them.
They order four iced coffees and turn around seeing everyone.
"Oh hey, we were just about to find you g-" Jordan starts.
"How's Felix?!" Melody asks quickly, jumping up from her seat.
"We're not sure yet. We've assessed his injuries, but he's still unconscious." Jordan says to the group.
He then looks directly at Melody and says,
"You can visit him now if you want."
"Thank god." She says, grabbing her latte and running out the cafeteria door.
"We're going to finish our food first.." Ella said uneasily, not wanting to seem rude.
"Yeah, and I'm sure Melody wouldn't mind being alone with him for a bit." Zoey adds, raising her eyebrows.

Carly and Mitch leave just as Melody approaches the door.
"Oh look, it's the lovebird." Mitch says when he sees Melody.
"Very clever." She says, opening the door and walking in.
Felix is lying on one of the beds in the infirmary, all cut and bruised from the explosion.
"Oh my god.." Melody says as she walks over to him, pulling over a chair to sit on.
She looks at the heart monitor, which is going at a slow steady rate.
She takes his hand again, glad he isn't awake to pull it away.
"Please wake up... For me." She says to him, knowing he can't hear.
And that moment, the heart monitor goes flat, and the beeping turns into a long low pitched whine.
What did I just read? That's what your thinking right? What's going to happen now?

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