Something Wicked This Way Comes

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• Emmett is back and Andrew, Vanessa and Elena are finding a spell to permanently get rid of him. Vanessa was told that someone else has something dangerous planned for Cameron.

Elena told Cameron and Vanessa that she lost her memory and only remembered waking up in a night club 

• Cameron was on drugs, and the drugs limited his magical abilities

• Zedd told Krytal, Lucas, and Logan that their plan would be initiated on the night of a super blue moon.

Songs Of the Chapter: When It's All Over by Raign,  I Get To Love You by Ruelle and Where The Lonely Ones Roam by Digital Daggers.


A couple hours later

(Vanessa's POV)

"We have spent hours here and found nothing." I slumped in my chair, upset. My eyes hurt every time I tried to read.

"Well we found an afterlife spell. Maybe that can help?" Andrew assured.

"Guys how come Cameron hasn't noticed us gone for so long? It's past noon. I mean, the hallucinogen should have worn out by now." Elena queried.

"I put a pill in his piece of cake so that we could search here for awhile and he wouldn't notice our absence." Andrew elucidated. His nose was deep in an old dusty book.

"You what!?" Elena burst. She was sitting on the ground beside a pile of books.

"We needed some time. With Cameron behind us all the time, he would've figured something out. That would only worsen the situation." Andrew talked as he shut the book and picked up another.

"You know, these spell books remind me of my friend's grimoire." Elena quietly whispered but I heard it clearly.

"your friend? I thought you didn't remember anything before waking up at The Synim." I questioned. Elena and Andrew gave each other a look. I turned to Andrew, shocked. "You do remember..and you knew!" I first said to Elena then to Andrew.

"I'm sorry Vanessa. It's just you said recently. I couldn't trust you at that point. And this is a big deal. I mean, I'm the only human in this world. The information from my past could be valuable and I don't want to be dissected like a frog or tested on like a mouse. I'm not from this world, and I'm scared once word spreads, I'm going to be treated like an alien. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Elena apologized.

I sighed, but I understood her. "So when will you tell me about your past life? Maybe over coffee?" I asked.

"Nope. A couple of beers." Elena corrected. We both laughed. Andrew came from behind the shelves holding some more books.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"When Elena mentioned grimoires, I remembered some at the back behind a pile of other books. Here they are." Andrew handed one to each of us and set the rest on the table. "Hopefully, these will help us."

I flipped through the pages. They were written with ink as black as tar. I read the titles of the pages.

"Bilocație" --> The spell to have an object appear in two different places.

"Accersito" --> The spell to summon one.

"Curare" --> The spell to heal something or someone.

"Înviere" --> The spell to resurrect someone.

"Okay this grimoire is about the mind. How to play with minds of others and whatnot." Elena shut it and moved to the next.

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