Follow The Orders

113 9 2

Song of the Chapter: Damaged by Adrian Lux (Radio Edit)


It was 8 o'clock.

Zedd, Logan, Lucas were sitting at a long table in the Great Hall. Zedd at the end. He was impatiently waiting for Krystal so they could start their meeting.

"Where is she?" Logan said. He tapped his fingers on the table. Lucas was slumped in his chair, irritated. 

"If she doesn't come in, like, 5 mins! I'm leaving" Lucas spat. Zedd continued to stare ahead of himself, ignoring the comments that were being thrown out in the air. 

Just then, Krystal ran through the door. She immediately sensed the mood swinging through the room, and hesitantly sat at her seat. Lucas sat up and glared at her. 

"I-I'm not late" She reminded. Logan just rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," Logan spoke, "Zedd?"

He was staring directly at Krystal. Absolutely no expression or emotion on his face. Krystal noticed.

"I will follow orders. And this time, I will not change the plans. I really am sor- -"

"Who had the girl?" Zedd finally moved, turned his head to the twins. 

"Andrew" Both spoke in unison.  

Zedd didn't recognize the name. He raised him eyebrows, and demanded, "More detail." 

"Well, he used to work with the two of us. Long story." Logan started. He gestured with his hands. His brown hair was simple short, kept a little longer on the top with the sides and back short. He was attentively listening and aware 

"But then we met you and started this alliance." Lucas finished.

Zedd gave a humdrum laugh. "Dictatorship" He corrected.

Logan and Lucas slipped each other a glance. Krystal sat there and noticed how blanked out Zedd was. He was more demanding and rude than usual.

"I have a plan" Krystal thought out loud but instantly regretted it.

"You've done enough blondie! We could've moved on to some other problem." Logan snapped.

"But because of your foolish mistakes, we're here making new plans. We don't need your assistance." Lucas added.  

Logan looked disgusted and mumbled "stupid witch".

"Now that your bickering is done. I already have an arrangement organized." Zedd stared at the table. "Not even a fool can ruin it" He looked up at Krystal. 

"What do we have to do?" Lucas had his hands folded on the table, eyes eager for the meat.

"Oh, there's a lot to do. And this time we won't fail." Zedd explained.





"Wait, what!?" Krystal exclaimed. She eyed the three in the eyes, her eyes wide in confusion. She started to shake her head. After the long silent minute, she swallowed. "No, there must be another way." Her voice wavered and her eyes teared up. 

Zedd stood at the end of the room, while Logan and Lucas flipped through large grimoires. He looked at Krystal with his lit up eyes, as if a fire was ignited behind them. 

"Please, Zedd

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"Please, Zedd. Please. Just leave Cameron out of this," Krystal's eyes were full of tears, but she didn't let even one drop. 

Logan glanced up from the books, and scoffed. "You still have feelings for that weakling?" He chuckled and went back to perusing through the spell books. 

Krystal licked her lips, took a deep breath and walked closer to Zedd. 

"I know," She began, "that you don't need my approval or even my help but I beg  of you, Zedd, please. There must be another way to get the human that doesn't include..."

She stopped. The tears were forming once again. Zedd emotionlessly stared at Krystal with his fire eyes. 

"You know  you can't change the plan. Not even your childish attempts can get you anywhere." He stepped closer to Krystal, cornering her. Huge amounts of rage and anger radiated of him. From the fire inside him. "So why are you even trying?"

Behind him, Lucas looked up from his book, and looked at Krystal's face which was clad in sorrow and misery. He almost pitied her. 

Krystal found the courage to look right back at Zedd's eyes. "Please. Leave him out of it. Punish me instead" She begged. 

Zedd moved in closer, very close. He looked down at Krystal's lips, and continued to move closer. With a slight turn of his head, his lips were now near Krystal's ears. 

"I am" He cruelly whispered. 

Krystal could feel his breath on her neck. Her heart was thumping so hard, she was scared it might actually pop out. 

Zedd recoiled, and walked to his original seat.

Krystal noticed both Logan and Lucas were staring at her. Surprised at Zedd's cruelty and lack of 'personal space' understanding. 

Zedd remained as emotionless and indecipherable as usual. 

"Choose and pick which one of you is going to do the dirty work." Zedd spoke to the twins. They simpIy nodded in return. He then glanced at Krystal. "Find the spell and perfect it. I don't want any screw ups this time" He ordered.

Krystal knew she could do nothing to change his mind

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Krystal knew she could do nothing to change his mind. Finally letting the tears fall out.

As he walked out the room, he declared:

"I want this plan to be initiated on the night of the super blue moon" 

omg i can't wait till the super blue moon chapter. the next couple chapters are going to be very (and i mean VERY) suspenseful.

All Alone &lt;&lt;TVD&gt;&gt;Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora