Thoughts on meeting internet friends(before)

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Let's be honest, most of us have a few internet friends. There are different sorts of internet friends. For example there are the ones that you once chatted 24/7 for a few weeks and now rarely talk to.(Makes a mental note to check out what they are up to nowadays.) Then there are the ones that you wouldn't call friends in real life, you know, the ones that you've only contacted a few times, but whenever they post something you go like: "Oh look what my friend from *insert a country that's even further away than your bright future* just posted." Then there's a friend or friends that you just sort of matched with on the first time you chatted.

I have an internet friend like that, obviously I didn't win the bloody lottery and she doesn't live anywhere near me. That brings us to the topic of meeting internet friends. I'll skip the part of "they might be 69 years old half human half cyborgs blah blah blah". I mean you have to be very freaking naive to fall for something like that in real life. How can you even think of visiting someone who you've only texted with? Anyways, moving on.

I've been chatting with my internet bestie for over a year now( am I the only one who hates the expression "internet bestie"? I mean it sounds so girlie that the word itself should wear a flower crown and drink Starbucks all the time. I also can't find a better expression so I'll just go with it.). I wonder why she even texted me after the first night we were chatting. I guess I gotta tell the idiotic story now. We all know that when you first meet someone, it doesn't matter if it's in real life or on the internet, you have so much and also nothing to talk about. Sounds confusing, right? You literally know nothing about the other person, but you also don't know what to ask. That's when the weird philosophical questions make their entrance. Back to the idiotic story ---> We had been chatting the whole day and it was getting quite late already. I was quite tired, but going to sleep never really crossed my mind so i just made another cup of coffee and just rolled on. I don't remember if it was me or was it her who asked "What would you change in the world, if you were capable to change one thing?" Now what comes to the mind of an ordinary person would be things like :

1) end world hunger

2) never ending peace

3) no more racism

4) no more sexism etc etc etc

Obviously I thought about these things too, but first things first. It took me about 10 seconds to know the answer to this question. I said that if I could change one thing in the world it would probably be *drums* bringing Freddie Mercury back to life. Yes, I really said that. Out of all the things I could choose I chose this. I soon added that on the close second place would be ending world hunger. I gotta be honest, I still don't trust "tired me" with social interaction.

Time went past and if I'm not mistaken, then I think that we've been chatting every single day from that day on.( I gotta ask her.) We understood quite quickly that one day we want to meet each other. I'm extremely glad I can say that this "one day" is in 4 days. I'll be traveling around Europe for a whole day ( middle finger at whoever thinks that spending almost 4 hours a Riga's airport is fun) and in the evening I'll finally meet her.

I can't even describe what I'm feeling right now (and in the following days). I'm excited and a bit scared. It's weird to think that I know so much about this person, she knows so much about me and I'll finally be able to see her without this stupid freaking arrogant screen. As I said, I'm also a bit scared of it. What if we don't get along in real life? What if we annoy the hell out of each other in 2 hours? What if she's somehow different than I imagined?

I guess that there's only one way to find out...

( to be continued in a few days)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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