You- the word that annoys me the most

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I'm so done with everyone on this damn planet, it's just one of those days so here we go:

Me and my friend are pretty much all the time together in school because we have the same classes except for three classes. It used to didn't annoy me but the other day I noticed that specific thing once again and it started annoying the hell out of me. THE WORD YOU. So basically we were sitting in our math class and there was no teacher, so we had to do some work on our own, a gut turned around and asked:
" You obviously have the answer, right?"
I suck at math but my friend occasionally understands it , I used to understand that but since I started high school, things have been going downhill( just as my life, what a coincidence). Breaking news , I had no idea what he was talking about because I was on Instagram for most of the class. My friend on the other hand had been doing the exercises , but she didn't have the answer either.

I just started thinking about the fact why are people always talking to us as " you"? I guess that was the thousandth of time when someone wanted to know if the both of us were doing something or if the both of us were going somewhere. It's not like we are a package!!!
I know that some people wouldn't even notice it or that some people would find it flattering ( meaning that you and your bestie are tight as fuck) but I find it annoying. We are not the same person , we are even not that much alike. Yes, we do like the same stuff occasionally. I have gotten my friend into Supernatural, Doctor Who Daredevil, Sherlock and perhaps there's something else that I can't remember at the moment but that doesn't make us into one person.

I remember clearly one case where there was a party at one of our classmates house, and the day before a boy from our class asked from me, if me and my friend are coming? I can't be sure on the details but I think that she hadn't been at school that day or the day before or was it me who had been absent. Anyways it doesn't even matter, the point is that we hadn't talked about the party yet . When I answered that " I am coming but I don't know about my friend," then the look I got from this guy I was kind of hilarious , he seemed seriously puzzled.
Are you two in a fight? Is she seriously / deadly sick? Is she dead? Did she move into the woods and left her phone at home? Did she do something illegal and is now in prison? Did you accidentally kill her and now you are hiding her body in your basement? Did the aliens finally abduct her? Was she just a ghost who was following you around for the past 10 years and now her bones got burned? Was I imagining her all this time? Was she a CIA agent who was at our school working undercover? Was she an hologram?

Okay perhaps the questions were not exactly the same as I wrote but the point is the same, that guy was so surprised that I didn't know if my friend is going to be at that party.

Once again I gotta say it, we are not the same person, to be honest half of the time she annoys the hell out of me. We have different goals in life, we see things differently, we have different hobbies, we have different styles, we even look nothing alike.

The point that I'm trying to make is that I am a person and she is a person and we are not the same person. On summer vacation there have been three or four weeks where we haven't met or have been just talking on Facebook in a way of how are you? I'm good. What have you been up to? Oh nothing. Me neither.

And it makes me feel bad, so if whoever the hell is reading this knows me in real life, then please just stop implying to me and my friend has one person, thank you!

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