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"I don't know how I can win this," I confessed, looking at the ground. "But it doesn't mean I can't try."

Magnus cracked his knuckles. "I would actually pay to see that," Magnus snickered. "I would." Everyone chuckled.

"Then I will," I told him, gaining bravery. "I'll face you, Magnus, whatever you can throw at me." A look of surprise and almost fear crossed his face. But it quickly vanished and transformed into a look of hatred and determination.

"Really," he smirked. He turned towards his troop. "Well, you heard her," he told the others. "You can leave. It will be just her and I, no distractions." One person raised his hand. "Magnus, where do you want us to go?" he asked timidly. Magnus scowled in annoyance. "To the Center," he replied. The army set off slowly. "Step on it!" Magnus growled. The guys obeyed their leader and started jogging in the direction of the house. After they left, we stood in a silence, in a kind of internal battle where the first person to move was the loser. Neither of us said a word. The only movement was Magnus, flexing his fingers around his bow as if that proved something.

And then he struck, faster than lightning. I had no chance to even think. The fight began without a second to prepare. I was thrown to the ground yet again, but not in the puddle. I fell to the ground. I tried to rise, but Magnus's weight prevented me from moving.

"Get off!" I hollered, kicking and thrashing. I felt the bow pressing into my side. I saw Magnus's face looming above me. I lost sight of him for a moment, but then his face reappeared. I was momentarily distracted by the cool night air, and Magnus's blue eyes, but I came back almost instantly. I freed my arm from his grip and grasped for something. Magnus reached for my hand, but couldn't reach without freeing the rest of me, so he chose to keep his original grip. Using my legs and the flexibility of my ankles, I secured Magnus in place and punched him in the nose. I made a solid connection that made his nose bleed. He hollered and momentarily let go to wipe away the blood that was beginning to dribble from his nostrils.

I took this as my chance to pin Magnus down. I shoved him backwards and watched him struggle as I held him down. "Ha!" I laughed triumphantly. "Who's got the edge now?" Magnus scowled at me and reached for his bow. It was trapped beneath him.

I fumbled for his arms but could not seem to reach them. He reached beneath his back and came up with the bow. I gaped. Magnus used the bow to push me away, with so much force that I once again landed on my back. But before Magnus could pin me again, I skidded backwards and flew to my feet.

"Hey!" he shouted, pointing the bow at my chest. His hands were shaking badly. I highly doubted he would shoot, but I was ready to flee if needed.

"You're gonna have to get me," I announced smugly. Magnus glared and fished an arrow from his pocket. He loaded it into the bow. I didn't stay to watch. I took off as fast as I could in the opposite direction. Magnus chased after me, dodging shrubs and leaping over rocks. "You come back here!" Magnus bellowed. "I'm warning you..."

I turned around just as Magnus shot the bow. I idly watched as the arrow was fired. It flew through the air, twirling around and around like a football, coming closer and closer towards me. It was a perfect shot. I turned my head just as the arrow flew past my head. The arrow clipped my cheek before continuing on, and landing in the dirt. I rubbed where the arrow had hit my face. Beads of blood were already starting to form.

I felt as if I were going to throw up. If I hadn't turned my cheek right then...I didn't want to think of what could have happened. I had little time to think, anyways. Magnus was already on me, though he seemed slightly weakened. He leapt over one last rock, and jumped on top of me.

I flew to the ground with a thump. "Too bad I missed," Magnus whispered in my ear, though he appeared slightly disturbed by the ordeal. "But you're known for giving second chances. I won't waste this one." His breath was hot on my neck. I grasped his collar and jerked him away. He landed on his back beside me, too stunned to move.

The Exiles (Book 1 of the Exiles Series)Where stories live. Discover now