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The next day did indeed come. Reluctantly, I rose from my spot in bed and stretched. I was the first of us to get up. Sammy and Sasha both still lay sound asleep on the floor beside me. Nicole was still sound asleep in bed, snoring like a hibernating bear.

I grabbed my clothes that were laying next to me on the floor, and dressed, shivering. It was cool out, but not so cold that I was actually chilled. I hoped it would be like this tonight. Small comforts like warmth could dull my worries.

I waited for the others to wake up. Nicole was the first to open her eyes, followed by Sasha and Sammy.

Our first initiates became appearing soon after. They all lined up outside, as if waiting for something. Smiles lined their faces. To them, this was just a game. If we lost or not it would hardly affect their lives. For Nicole and I, this was life. Survival was only second nature to instinct. One false move...I didn't like to linger too long on the results.

Us four leaders hurried outside after we were all dressed and had gobbled down a sufficient breakfast. I wasn't hungry. I gulped down as little as I could sneak past Nicole and disposed of the rest. By the way my stomach was churning, I wouldn't have been surprised if my breakfast had made a reappearance.

The group was sitting around the empty firepit, awaiting directions from the leaders. My mouth was dry. I didn't speak. Nicole stepped to the center of the circle, and motioned for Sammy, Sasha, and I to sit down. We silently did as we were told, awaiting further commands like the others.

"Well," Nicole began, briefly sighing and eyeing each person separately, "you all know what today is. I'm hoping all of you are prepared. Today is the day." Everyone nodded in unison, not appearing even the least bit surprised, though upon arrival they didn't know that "the day" was today.

"Does everyone have their weapons?" Nicole questioned. Everyone held up their bows, arrows, knives, and more. Nic nodded, looking impressed. But her brown eyes suddenly grew serious.

"Now everyone, please remember," Nicole began, motioning for everyone to set their things back down beside them. "Our weapons are our last resort, always. We'll only use force if we absolutely, positively, one-hundred percent need to. Got it?" Everyone nodded curtly and murmured yes in unison.

"Excellent," Nicole replied. "Now, I just want to let you all know how good you are. I have faith in every single one of you. Tonight, we are going to defeat the opposing army. Tonight, we will be winners. Tonight, peace will be restored. You will all do great. Give it your all--" Nic glanced at me-- "and we can't lose. Now, let's divide into teams. Everybody up!" Twenty people left their weapons behind and clambered to their feet. Nicole surveyed us all, mentally sorting us into two teams. When she was finished, Nic stepped nearer and began sorting for real.

"Talia, Sammy, you stand over there." Nicole pointed to the right of the crowd. Sammy and I hurried to our posts. "Sasha, wait for me over there." Nic gestured vaguely to the left. Sasha obediently trotted away.

"We will be splitting into two teams," Nicole explained. "There are strength in numbers. If we split up, we can cover twice as much ground and explore twice as much. And if one team needs help, they can call for reinforcements. The signal for help will be two short blows on grass." Nicole bent to the ground and plucked two wide pieces of grass from the dirt. She flicked the dirt off, and tipped one blade of grass to her lips. "It sounds like this." Nicole blew two, hard blows on the grass. The result was an annoying squeaky sound that hurt our ears. At least it could be heard for a long distance.

"Okay, enough of that," muttered Nicole, looking a little disoriented from the noise. "Let's get into teams. If I point right, go to Talia and Sammy." Both of us gave a short little wave. "If you go to Talia," continued Nicole, "then you're on Team Talia. Talia is the leader. Sammy, if anything happens to Talia, you're in charge." Sammy nodded and gave a joking salute. Nicole chuckled.

The Exiles (Book 1 of the Exiles Series)Where stories live. Discover now