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Our new army followed Nicole and me home, chanting and chatting loudly to one another as we walked. Everyone seemed to have gone into good spirits in that short amount of time. No one was scared anymore. They all wanted in, so they could face the enemy. I wondered what everyone thought of the situation. I prayed that they knew that Nic and I were serious about the whole going-to-war thing, instead of thinking we were starting a secret club or playing house. Everyone seemed so cheerful that I doubted they knew what we were up against, though many of them had experienced Magnus first hand.

Nic and I were at the head of the group, leading the pack. Nicole was definitely the leader. I could tell from the way she walked and the knowing, sure expression that she wore on her face. Sasha and Sammy were at the front as well, locking arms with Nicole on either side. I admit that I felt a little left out. I realized that I hadn't really made any friends on the island, besides Magnus and Nic, of course. I struggled to find my place in the pack.

Once we reached our home, the base, everyone scrambled to do something. Of course, Nic hurried into the house, escorted by Sammy and Sasha. Some other kids followed, looking for something to do. Several of the older islanders scouted around the base, noting trees and other landmarks that could be useful in battle. Many younger islanders ran wild around the camp, barefoot and full of energy. The whole scene reminded me of a village, a small town of sorts. I followed Nicole, not knowing where else to go. I knew I was one of the leaders, but for some reason I felt strange in Nic's circle. All three girls sat down on the bed, leaving me a spot down on the floor.

"What's our first plan of attack?" asked Sasha. I could tell she was eager to fight. Nicole bit her lip, thinking hard.

"We don't really have one yet," she finally admitted. "I guess I was waiting to have an army before I got started on plans." Sammy laughed, though I wasn't sure why. She seemed a little nervous about the thought of engaging in combat.

"Should we attack them?" I asked. Three pairs of eyes stared back at me. Nic shook her head. "Too predictable," she replied, putting her hands in her pockets. I sighed.

"Does anybody have any better ideas?" I asked. Nicole and Sasha both shook their heads. "Maybe we should invite the others inside," Sammy suggested. "After all, it's not really fair that they have to carry out a plan even if they're not one hundred percent okay with it."

Sasha nodded. "I agree," she said, folding her hands in her lap. Nic silently stood up and shuffled to the door. She poked her head outside and hollered for the others to come inside. They followed Nicole inside through the doorway in an orderly fashion, and sat down cross-legged beside me on the ground. The ones who had been rowdy outside were now silent, their lips clamped tightly shut.

"What's the plan?" someone shouted. Nicole, Sammy and Sasha all stood up to face the crowd. "We don't know," Nicole admitted. "That's why we invited you guys in here, to discuss."

"We figured all of you would want to have a say," I added, standing up to face the crowd as well. Sasha and Sammy both nodded.

"Does anybody have any ideas?" Nic asked. Everybody shrugged and stared unblinkingly back. "I dunno," someone muttered.

"Do you need time to think?" I guessed. All twenty-some pairs of eyes gave me another painfully long stare. "I'll take that as a yes." The room was silent for quite awhile. Eventually, some brave souls raised their hands.

Nicole picked a small girl first. "We could attack them," she suggested in a timid voice. Nic sighed. "That's...too predictable," she muttered. "We already discussed it in here, and we agreed that it wouldn't work." Deja vu, right?

"Does anyone else wanna give it a go?" The girl looked defeated. Several new hands shot up in the air. Nicole picked on several other people, but no one had any worthwhile suggestions. After the umpteenth person raised their hand and spoke, Nic yawned and motioned for the remaining people to put down their hands.

The Exiles (Book 1 of the Exiles Series)Where stories live. Discover now