One of the Guys -- *Chapter Four: Can I Barf?*

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"Hey, Tyler, where are all of the chips and snacks and stuff?" I walk up to him.

"Um...I think they're still in my trunk. Would you hate me if I asked you to go out an get them?" I can see he's busy dumping ice into a cooler.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll go get them. You realize people are going to start showing up like ten minutes ago?" I joke around because he told people to come ten minutes ago.

"Ha, ha. Funny. I know, my parent's took forever to leave. Now can you please get the chips?"

I run outside and pop his trunk open. 

"Shayna?" I hear a familiar voice call.

"Huh?" I whip my head backwards. Brad! "Oh, hey Brad," Way to act cool Shay. Way to act cool.

"Need some help there?" he says as he sees me struggling to grasp everything I came out for.

"Sure, that's be great." I reply as he grabs a few things. "Thanks," 

"No problem, Shay," we walk into the house and set up. 

"Hey, dude," I try to get Tyler's attention from across the room. "Tyler!"

"What the," he whips around before he finishes his phrase.

"What do you want me to do with all this fattening junk you picked up? Seriously? Jumbo cheese puffs? Are you asking to be obese?" I grin at him.

He ignores my commentary, "Can you just empty it into those bowls on that counter over there?"

"Sure, fatty," I walk over and empty all of the bags into plastic bowls, with Brad's help.

"You really didn't need to help me," I tell Brad after we finish emptying.

"I wanted to," he flashes a gorgeous smile.

"Brad! Hey, Brad!" I hear a girl call, and soon I see her too. Bleh. Cassidy Martin. The most fake, plastic, superficial cheerleader you will EVER meet. And I really mean ever,

"Hey Cass," Brad starts, but before he can finish talking she grabs him in a kiss.

My eyes start to wander the room, because I don't want to seem like a creep watching them make out in front of me. I itch behind my ear, even though it doesn't itch the slightest, just to make this situation the least awkward. I see Brad pull away and direct his attention to me, with almost a sour expression on his face.

"You've met my girlfriend, Cassidy, right?"

And just like that, I almost want to barf.


BOOM! cliffhangerrrr(: sorry guys! haha i know i hardly update this story- and those of you still reading and looking for updates i seriously thank you!(: please vote, fan, comment! this is a short chapter...hopefully i'll upload a long one tomorrow night!! 

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