One of the Guys -- *Chapter Three: Anatomy*

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“Hey,” Josh comes up to me at my locker.

“What up muscle man?”

“Actually, just like every other day of the year I was coming over to you to take you to lunch…hard to believe?”

I laugh, he’s so corny. “You’re funny.” I nod sarcastically as I stack some binders into my locker. “Hey, have you seen Lance today? Is he here? I haven’t seen him.” I’m talking about the best defenseman on our team.

“If I had to take a guess, probably talking to a cheerleader.”

“And you’re probably right…” I see Lance walking by us with a girl named Lucy (I think) on his arm. Lance is such a player.

“I’m just a talented kid, you know?” Josh smirks at me.

I grab my lunch money from inside my backpack and head to lunch with Josh. We sit down at the same lunch table and I sit between him and Tyler, just like every other day. I guess my life isn’t so screwed up at school. I mean, I have good grades and dependable friends? Okay, sure, I have tons of rough times in school. I.E. dropping my lunch, spilling something on my clothes, tripping in the hallway, dropping my books all over the place. Okay, I can give most of the blame to my klumsy-ness, but still. A girl gets embarrassed!

I glance over at Brad’s table. A bunch of pretty girls and soccer guys were sitting at the same table as him. I look at myself, mentally. The only girl at a table filled with rough football players.

“Hey, Shayna! Earth to Shayna!” Lance waves his hand in front of my face, and I can tell that he’s been trying to get my attention for a while now.

“What, Lance?” I snap back into reality rudely.

“Whoa! It’s someone’s time of the month.” I shoot him and evil glar which shuts him up. “Anyway, these guys think I have no chance with Lucy. You know that super hot cheerleader? Well, they say that she’s way too hot for me! I mean she’s hot, no doubt about it, but tell me honestly. Do you think that she’s too hot for me?”

These are the conversations with the guys that annoy me. How am I supposed to know these things? I don’t judge girls’ “hotnesses”!

“Lance. I’m a girl. Now back track to what you just said. Now please say what you think you should’ve said the first time.”

He repeats what he said before and I just put my hand on my forehead. “Not the point, Lance. But there’s no way I’m answering that question. Why don’t you go find someone with other parts than I do and ask them? Comprendo?”

“Ooh, pushy…” He grins at me.

“Maybe it is my time of the month and right now there’s just a stream of nature coming out of me right now!” I say quiet enough for other people not to hear, I take another bite out of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich that I bought.

“Whoa! We’re all guys. Now backtrack to what you just said and please say what you think you should’ve said.” Tyler copies me.

“I’m sorry. Should I have told you that it is in fact my time of the month right now?”

They all still have grossed out expressions plastered all over their faces. “Not what I thought you would say back,” Tyler spits out.

“Calm down, jeez you guys. I’m kidding. You really think I’d tell you that kind of stuff? Gosh, you guys freak out way to easily!” I laugh. These guys may not understand all of my "girly" thoughts- a.k.a. Brad, but I definitely love them.

"So who's coming to my house for the party?" Tyler asks.

"You've already planned another party? After your end of the year party your parents will let you have another one?" I questioned him 

"Well, I haven't actually fully asked them. But those vases didn't really mean much to them,"

"Are you kidding? You had to see the look on their faces after they came home and saw they broke!" I laugh at the thought.

"I'll convince them. But it's going to be sick. It's on Friday night. So I'm expecting all of you there, if not I better get an excuse from your sorry butts. Bring a swimsuit." He informs us as he chews on the last bite of his potato chips. 

"It's a pool party, too? What are your parents like out of town or something? You're really going all out..." I grin.

"Okay, so maybe they're going on a little detour from the house..."

"Explain detour..."

"They're kind of going out of town to visit my pregnant aunt."

"Now it all makes sense," I playfully smack his arm.

"Well, that doesn't make an excuse for you guys not to come. So I expect you there. I'm going to invite the cheerleaders...Lance....and the soccer teams. You won't want to miss it," He stands up out of his chair. "I'm going to miss Anatomy, so see ya," 

"Oh, wait. I'm coming with." I get up and go with him. Anatomy is probably one of my easiest classes because it is average and my dad was a doctor. Maybe it runs in the blood.


I get up from the table and head to class. I just switched out of finance to anatomy. Nobody told me finance was SO boring. Honestly, I could fall asleep and be so out of it that when the bell rang I would stay asleep. Hopefully anatomy is better. Maybe it will make me suddenly interested to become a doctor.

I walk into class and see Shayna sitting at a table with Brad. She's in this class? Score! More face time with Shayna....but it's very unlikely I'll get the courage to talk to her. 

"Mr. Spalding. Why are you late to my class, especially on your first day of taking it?" my new teacher Ms. Eickner asked me. 

"Oh, uh, sorry." I sit down at a table with one of my friends, Adam.

"Well, since it is your first day I'll let this slide. But you better be on time the rest of the year. Class, this is Brad. He just transferred to our class." Don't you just love the awkward class introductions? I know everyone in the class, though, so it's just weird.

After a long lasting conversation about the respiratory system, the bell rings. I shut my binder and hop off of the stool. I want to walk over to Shayna so badly. But story of the last few years, it's not going to happen. I had an idea, though.

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