One of the Guys -- *Chapter Two: All about Sports*

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"Good luck at football tryouts, Shay!" Vickram said as I walked out of the door, football in hand. 

"Thanks Vick. See ya!" I walk outside and see Brad on his driveway. 

Suddenly I get nervous. I realize we are both walking to school for tryouts! Does that mean I actually have to talk to him? I never get nervous around guys...well at least guys on the football team. I never really talk to anybody else but them.

Brad looks dreamy. He's wearing basketball shorts, a white v-neck, and his hair is spiked as usual. He has a soccer ball under his right arm. "Hey Shayna!" he waves to me with his free hand.

"Hey Brad. What's up?" Really Shayna? 'What's up'? Clearly he's going to soccer tryouts...!

"Just going to soccer tryouts. You're going to football, right?"

"Yep," I nod as I walk onto the side walk. "So how's the new school year treating you?"

"It's pretty good. AP Calculus is getting pretty hard, though."

Does he know that I'm in his class? Probably not. Why would he? "Yeah, but I think I understand it pretty well." Way to make yourself sound like a complete nerd, Shayna. Who in the world understands AP Calculus? Oh, thats right, nerds. Translation: me.

"Oh, really? Maybe you can help me sometime. I'm a little lost."

How can he be lost? He's like smarter than me! "I highly doubt that. But, if you really need help in it I'd be glad to help you," Who wouldn't want to spend time with Brad Spalding?


I'm not lost at all. Why did I lie to her? Now she probably thinks I'm stupid. Great. At least if she "helps" me out in AP Calculus I'll get to spend more face to face time with her...does she even know I'm in her class?

"Thanks." I say. 

"So what's new?"

Seriously Brad? Why can't you start any conversation? You can talk to yourself...just not Shayna.

"Nothing really. It's just different around the house without Kara." My sister went off to college this year.

"I bet. I couldn't imagine living without Vickram. He's pretty much all I have besides football and school."

"Yeah. How has Vickram been doing, by the way?" I'm getting bored of this small talk. Why can't we have real conversations like we used to?

"He's good. Him and Autumn. His girlfriend. I bet they'll get engaged soon. She's practically already my older sister."

"That's great," We approach the school and start heading towards the back fields.

"Yeah, well good luck in soccer tryouts. You'll do great." She starts heading toward the football field. 

"Thanks. You'll kick butt at football. Good luck." I walk away to the soccer field and toss my bag down. I start doing laps.


"Hey Tyler!" I yell to the quarterback of the team.

"Hey Shay Shay!" he says in a girly voice. He's one of my best friends.

I laugh, "Ready for a great season?"

"I'm going to miss the sophomores from last year...but this year we're the big ones on the team."

"I wouldn't actually define myself as big..." I look down. "Five foot four isn't exactly what you picture as a giant."

He comes and lifts my from my legs and rests my stomach on his shoulder. "Well I'm pretty speak for yourself!"

I start smacking his back. "Ty! Put me down! And I swear....if you dare fart with my face here I will...." I trail of shaking my head.

He spins us around in two circles and puts me down. "I think you've been tortured enough for today," he winks at me.

"No duh, I had your butt in my face!" He laughs and walks away to one of the other guys on the team.

"OMG it's Shay Shay!" my other friend Josh says like a girl. Most of my best friends speak to me in a girl voice and call me "Shay Shay", but it doesn't bother me. He comes over and hugs my shoulders from behind. He's a giant compared to me. He's six feet tall, and he's not the tiniest person in the world. He has broad shoulders and he's made of muscle. 

"Hey Josh," I tilt my head upward just to see his face. "You're too muscular! You're hurting me...." I joke.

He squeezes me in a hug a little tighter, but he's still gentle. "Better?"

"Not at all." I turn around and start punching his abs. I'm not that strong, and he has an eight pack, so I swear he doesn't even feel this at all. 

He flexes all of his muscles, "Aw, yeah. " He looks at both of his arms and smiles proudly.

"Show-off," I grin.

"You're just jealous..." He playfully nudges my shoulder.

"Josh. I'm a girl. If I was build like that....I'd be scared of myself." I shake my head in the thought. 

He laughs. I glance over at the soccer field and see Brad running laps. I'm still processing the fact that he actually talked to me today.

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