Chapter 18

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On Monday, as Ray and I are walking to maths class I tell him about how Gerard and I were making Mikey jealous and that there was absolutely nothing going on between us.

"You two are idiots." Ray shakes his head. I look at him confused, unable to read his tone properly. "Not in a mean way or anything. Just... don't hurt Mikey, okay?" I nod as we arrive at our class, telling him there's no way I'd be able to do that.


"Mind if I sit here?" I ask Lindsey during lunch, gesturing to the empty seat next to her.

"Go ahead." She grins, kicking the seat out for me. "I'm Lindsey."

"Gina." I smile, sitting down and facing her.

"I think I've seen you around! You hang out with those guys, right? And you're dating the lanky awkward one?"

I shake my head quickly, "I do hang out with them, but Mikey and I we're not- we aren't together."

"You're blushing." She points out. "Not that it's not any of my business though."

We talk till the bell goes, then head our separate ways to class after exchanging numbers. As I'm at my locker someone pushes me, making me bang my head into the locker above mine. I sigh and regroup myself before pulling my books out of my locker and shutting it.

Mikey joins me as I'm lining up for class, "where were you at lunch?" He asks.

"I was sitting with a girl from some of our classes, Lindsey." I tell him.

Mikey's POV
I look at Gina as we walk into class, she's holding her books to her chest and is looking at the ground. I wait till we sit down before looking at her again, I can't help it. We make eye contact and she smiles before looking back at her book. She writes something down in the back and hands it to me, wanna hang out after school today? I smile and write, sure. Movies at your house? Before handing it back to her. She looks at me and nods.

Tonight. I tell myself, the night I ask her out.


Gina and I sit in her room, trying to decide on what movie to watch. "If you want I can pick a movie while you get changed?" I suggest, looking at her school uniform then at my band shirt and skinny jeans.

Her cheeks turn a slight shade darker, "the movies are in here." Gina mumbles.

"Oh. Uhm, I can wait in another-" I try telling her but she cuts me off.

"It's fine. Just, don't... don't look. Okay?" She says, nervously tugging on her sleeves.

I nod and move over to her dvd collection facing away from her and flicking through the cases. I hear her exhale slightly before a draw on her dresser opens. I hold my breath as my eyes refuse to focus on the movie covers.

I don't know why I looked, if she saw it could ruin our friendship. But I couldn't stop myself. Gina stood next to her bed facing the wall, her school uniform on the floor by her feet. She had on a pair of leggings and a black bra, not having put a shirt on yet, I quickly turn to face the dvds again as she's putting a shirt on, pulling a random one out and looking at the cover.

"Have you picked one yet?" She asks after a minute, now moving next to me. I look at the case in my hands. Empire Records.

"What about this?" I ask, handing it to her.

Gina's eyes light up and she grins at me. "This is one of my most favorite movies."

I smile at her excitement, "defiantly this one then." I tell her, making her squeal slightly.

Gina's POV
"Do you wanna watch another movie?" I ask as the credits are rolling down the screen.

"Maybe we could go for a walk, or something?" Mikey suggests and I nod.


We walk to a park a block away from my house. It's basically just a field with a small playground in the corner. Mikey and I sit on the grass near the middle of the park, he hesitates but puts his arm around my lower back, pulling me closer.

I turn my head to look at Mikey, only to realise he's starring at me. Slowly, he leans in, his lips connecting with mine. Mikey turns himself so we're facing each other and I move my arms so they're resting over his shoulders.

We pull away, Mikey leaning his forehead on mine. "Mikey, I..." He doesn't give me a chance to finish my sentence, kissing me again. Mikey pulls me closer, deepening the kiss.

I pull away from him, resting my forehead on my shoulder. "Mikey... can I tell you something?" I ask, sitting up.

"Sure, what is it?" He questions, a slight look of worry on his face.

I gulp, trying to avoid eye contact with him. "I really like-" Mikey's phone buzzes, interrupting me.

He pulls his phone out, quickly skimming the message. "It's Lainey, I have to go." He stands up, helping me up after. "What did you wanna tell me?"

"Oh, uhm... never mind, it's not important." I shake my head.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." He says before turning around and walking away quickly.

Sorry this chapter is a bit crap. I'm not sure when the next one will be out, but it should be either this week or next week.
Thanks for reading!

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