Chapter 7

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I lie in bed, the covers half thrown over my legs. I grip my shirt tighter as the pit in my stomach grows, it came after I left Ray's house and hasn't left ever since. I try to distract myself by thinking about what happened today, mainly talking with Mikey. I turn on the lamp on my bedside table and look at the folded shirt and leggings sitting on my dresser. I quickly change into Mikey's shirt and immediately feel comforted. As I try to sleep I can't get Mikey out of my mind, the thought of kissing him makes multiple appearances. I can't fancy him, we only just met. I keep telling myself.

"Thanks for letting me borrow these." I give Mikey the shirt and leggings back, "it's okay" he smiles, taking them from me and shoving them into his locker. "So anything happen with your parents?" Ray asks, joining mine, Gerard, Frank and Mikey's conversation. "They still refuse to give my journal back so I haven't been talking to them very much." I explain, running my hand through my hair. "That sucks... We're staying at my house tomorrow night, do you think they'll let you go?" Frank asks. "Maybe... Hopefully" I shrug.
"So, the guys are staying at Frank's house on Friday and we were wondering if I could go?" I ask my parents after school. "This Friday? So tomorrow?" mum asks and I nod. "No" dad shakes his head, "please! I'll pay more attention in class!" I beg, "it's not that... We just don't want you to spend so much time alone with four boys you just met." Mum says, "I don't want to have sex with them, and they don't want to have sex with me!" I exclaim and they sigh, "okay... But what if something happened and you have an anxiety attack" dad try's to argue. "I had one yesterday and the first person I called was Mikey, who did all he could to help me! And I know that if I were to have another the others would be just as helpful!" I see surprise on my parents faces, I never argue. "If you really think that than I guess it's okay..." Mum says and dad looks at her like she's lost her mind. I quickly go to my room and text the others that I can go then pack my bag so I won't have to do it last minute.

"So did your parents set anymore rules that you're going to ignore?" Gerard asks when we get to Frank's house, "yup." I reply and they laugh. Frank leads us to his room, "you can use the bathroom to get changed Gina, it's next door." Frank tells me, pointing the direction to walk. "My mum isn't gonna be here tonight, are you okay with that?" Frank checks when I get back, "that's fine" I shrug. "Do you guys wanna watch some movies?" Frank asks and we all say yes. We decide to pick two people to go to the shops and get drinks/snacks while the others set up the living room to watch movies, I volunteer to get drinks and snacks because it would be less effort than moving a bunch of pillows and blankets around. "I'll go too" Mikey offers, most likely having the same idea as me.

"Are you okay?" Mikey asks when we arrive at the shops, "I'm fine." I lie, "nine times out of ten, when people say they're fine it means they aren't." Mikey tells me, and we both stop walking. "I-I have this feeling in my stomach... And it's pretty much there all the time, it's like worry almost but it makes me feel physically ill." My eyes widen at the realisation that this is the first time I've ever told anyone about how I actually feel. "Does it ever go away?" Mikey asks and I take a second to think, "sometimes. Mainly when I'm distracted." I slowly nod, "then lets use my corny jokes to distract you!" Mikey exclaims then starts saying what can only be described as dad jokes.

I grab my drink and make my way to Frank's lounge room. My brain starts going through all the possible screw ups I could make, making my heart beat faster. I manage to keep walking and not freak out to much. "Gina, come sit next to me" Mikey waves me over, picking the blankets up so I can easily sit down. Halfway through the movie I lean my head on Mikey's arm, he glances at me out of the corner of his eye and smiles and I can't help but notice the weird feeling in my chest.

"You sure you don't want my bed Gina?" Frank asks as we sort out sleeping arrangements, "nah. I'm fine on the mattress." I say and fall backwards, landing on the mattress. "I totally meant to do that" I say, pretending I didn't trip. They roll their eyes and continue sorting out who's sleeping where, "so Frank gets his bed, Gina gets the mattress, I get the couch and Mikey and Gerard can share the blow up mattress?" Ray double checks and we nod. After 20 minutes of saying goodnight to everyone individually multiple times the guys quite down and fall asleep, leaving me awake with my thoughts. After an hour or so Mikey turns around and because the mattress are next to each other our face are inches apart. "Hi there" Mikey whispers and I feel my cheeks heat up, "hi." I whisper back. "Can't get to sleep?" Mikey asks and I nod, "same..." Mikey sits up and looks at me, "come with me" he says then stands up. Not wanting to be as bored as I was, I quickly get up and follow Mikey out of the room. Mikey leads me to the back door and unlocks it, "should we be going out there?" I feel a small wave of panic surge through my body, I trust Mikey but what if something happens? "We'll be okay" Mikey reassures me, placing his hand on my arm. I nod and begin following him outside, shutting the door behind me. Mikey leads me to the very back of the garden till we reach a swing set, "could this get anymore cliche?" I laugh, sitting on one of the swings. "We could always fall in love after sharing a passionate kiss?" Mikey suggests, sitting on the swing next to me. "No we fall in love within the first 10 minutes of meeting each other then spend a month denying it or thinking the other wants nothing to do with you, then we have a passionate kiss after confessing our undying love. Have you never read a book?" I sarcastically remark and he nods "right, how stupid of me to forget." We both start laughing, and I notice the feeling in my chest come back but I still can't put my finger on what it is.

We talk for a while before we start to feel tired and decide to go back to bed, "wake me if you need anything." Mikey yawns and I nod. He falls asleep first and I can't help but notice how equally attractive he looks without glasses, the feeling in my chest make an appearance yet again. I think back to all the times it's happened and my eyes widen at the result. I think I'm developing a crush on Mikey Way.

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