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Third person Pov

*Whapish*"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU LADIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO A VLOG!" Jack yelled into his camera as he high fived it. "But what this we've got tons of boxes and... Hold on its Markimoo!" Jack exclaims in excitement. "Well hello there everyone." Mark waves at the camera. Jack explain that he was going to be moving into Marks house with him because of the long distance relationship wasn't going very well. "And Jack you forgot one more new factor of this as well." Mark says, just than 4 young girls in their 13's or 14's walk in. "Oh yes I forgot, I had to adopted my younger cousin Jade and her friend Noel because well that's for another vlog. And for legal terms Mark had to adopted Rossy and Y/N." Jack explains pointing at the different girl when he said their names. Jade was carrying a few boxes and set them down. "So where are me and Noel staying, I know we already got our roommates but not our rooms." Jade says. "You and Noel get one of the basement rooms since you both like the creepy ass place. And Rossy and Y/N get the room over to your left." Mark says point them in the right direction.

Jade's POV

I grab three of my boxes and start heading down stairs with Noel hot on my tail. Just as I was about to step down the last step Chica runs upstairs and trips me. I fall forwards and dropped all my boxes. Thank Gog that none of them had fragile shit in them as they go flying through the air and onto the floor. I can hear Noel in the background laughing her ass of. "Holy shite Jade are you okay?" I hear Jack ask running down stairs and Mark just laughing. "I'm fine just tripped over Chica." I says pulling myself up and grab the box nearest to me and walk over to the other two and grab them and head into the room. As I walk in I see that the room has black walls and a light green and blue swirl pattern carpet on a dark oak floor. I see two desk with a computer and a PC. I look over to the bunk beds next to that is a lamp on a bedside table. There was a big dresser with a mirror. There was a lot of open space still even with all the furniture in here. "Oh sweet Jade this going to fun to decorate and knowing you, your going to paint these walls." Noel explains behind me. "So who gets top and who gets bottom." I ask Noel. "Jade we are both really clumsy but your more clumsier than me so I call top bunk!" Noel called out happily and she was right.
A few hours later after getting all the boxes into the room me and Noel thought it would be fun to explore the house and the giant plot of land and forest that we had.( There is another planet in this story so basically the world we're on is unexplored and so yeah a lot of land.) We walk around only to hear Jack scream and than come running around the corner. "GIRLS HELP ME TAKE THIS AND RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN OUTSIDE! NOW GO!" Jack yelled at me and Noel. I grab the item and notice that its a pare of pants. Just than Jack is tackled by Mark and he is pants less. "SEAN GIVE THEM BACK THIS MINUTE OR ELSE! THE GIRLS CANT SEE ME PANTS LESS!" Mark yell. I look down in time to see Jack blushing a bright red. I then book it with the PJ pants in my hands( the Markiplier m pants with pink mustaches on them) and Noel screaming I ship it. We run out side only to be greeted by Rossy and Y/N standing there. They looked at us funny but I kept running while Noel screamed that we stoles Marks pants. "JADE AMBER GIBSON GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW WITH MY PANTS!" I hear Mark yell. I look behind me and Noel just in time to see Rossy slap one hand over hers and Y/N's eyes and a very mad and embarrassed Mark in black boxers with little Septic Sam's on them. "CATCH ME!" I yell in a very loud and a little childish voice. "CATCH US FIRST NERD!" I hear Noel yell. We continue to run until we lost Mark and found a nice tree to put them out to dry. After we did this we heard Mark yelling and decided to leave them there and make our escape. Once we got to the house me and Noel were breathless and the sun was setting. "Where's Mark?" Y/N asked when we walked into house. Me and Noel just looked at each other and started to laugh like we were mad men. After our fit of laughter died down Mark walks in and walks right to me. "Jade your in deep shit... And so now for not giving me my pants you get to do laundry for the rest of the month." Mark hisses. "What how is this fare at all Jack told me to run and so I did just that ran and when I got tired of running with pants in my hands." I complain. Than it hits me to day was the last day of the month. "Oh I know and so now jack your punishment." Mark says with a very seductive smile on. He than tackles Jack onto the couch and starts to kiss and bite his neck. I look around and see Noel a bright red tomatoes, Rossy and Y/N covering their eyes. I was fine until I heard Jack moan out. "HEY YOU TWO THERE ARE FOUR GIRLS HERE AND I KNOW THAT AT LEAST TWO OF THEM ARE STILL SOME WHAT INNOCENT!" I yell. "Aw Jade your no fun at all." Mark complains. "Mark she right we can finish this later when the girl go to their room, thankfully their rooms are the other side of the house away from ours." Jack said while blushing.

Random Shenanigans With SepticplierDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora