(10) First In Everything

Start from the beginning

and so days past, Raphael had told her they payed double to let her in without the entrance test and Deped, yet she really didn't know what was happening or how they did it- she didn't really care as long as she was in. Throughout the week,  she balanced her training but this time with Raphael and in other times, she  accompanied Jessica in her dorm, Aaron would also visit when he could but it seemed like he has become busier every moment she'd visit Jessica's dorm. His sister even joked about him pissing his boss which made Savanna think about it more

Was Lucas Doing this on purpose?

As Monday came, It was the first day of school. The girls where excited that they had a sleepover. For the first time, Savanna felt like a true human, A shifter living with human she could call friends and maybe, maybe she might fall in love like mother had

And surprisingly she even found her girly side. Who knew gossiping with Jessica in who's hot or not and putting make up was interesting

When they entered the room, Jessica suddenly jumped in front and gave a bow which earned her a laugh from Savanna

"Well welcome to school" Jessica brought her hands up as Savanna could only look up. The place was huge and the ceilings were too far

"it's so beautiful" she murmured in fascination

"not the response you usually get but whatever. Anyway-" Jessica was suddenly shoved aside when a horde of guys and beautiful girls came laughing, not even caring that Jessica lost her footing and almost fell face first when Savanna instantly steadied her. Angry she looked at their way, Jessica knew what she was doing and tried stopping her but it was too late

"Hey! watch it you asswipe!" she yelled at the man who she saw shoved her friend. The group froze and the others holler from her insult.

"oh shit" Jessica murmured when the guy slowly turned and looked at her. He was bigger then everyone and the group,  but not big enough as a beast she could fight on her training with her father. His hair was colored in red, while he had a scar on his eyebrow.

"what did you say?"

" I said watch where you're going. Your not the only people walking here" he glared at her but she didn't cower. Her father once said, If you cower to those below you then you are no fit to be leader

It was time she took her fathers word seriously

"look Bitch-"

"wow wow wow slow down Jock, Shes a girl"

Now this insulted her

"excuse me?" the boy turned to look at her but she only glared in hate

"i'm sorry, It's just Jocky over here hasn't been insulted like you just did" once he smile again, she couldn't help but find him cute. His eyes were like chocolate and he had the face everyone would die for but right now all she saw was a punching bag

"well your friend owes this girl an apology" she pointed at the shaken Jessica 

Savanna heard someone scoff in their group and her eyes zeroed at a girl who watched with disbelief

"We don't bow to stupid little freshmen who think they own the place-"

"I wasn't talking to you" she stated when she saw her glare before looking back at jock

"It's fine"she protest shakily while jock only gave a triumph look

"See she said-"

"Apologize" this time her voice was louder that everyone stopped to look at then. She was firm while they had a staring contest until he rolled his eyes


"Man just apologize so we could leave" the cute guy said before they turned not before she heard him mutter 'sorry' from him. It was low that none of them heard but her which made her smile triumply

"He's sorry"

Wide eyes jessica breathe

"No one has ever stood up for me especially to Jock" Savanna only nod and smirk

"I'm not afraid of people" with that they turned and walked though the hall

"I really like you now. Hey wanna meet some friends of mine who works in a cafe later?" Savanna nodded her head before joking

"I thought you were a loner"

"Shut up my brother was exaggerating"

"Oh remember when I said there are two types of people in collage? Yes that was the sex crazed ones" Jessica never stopped talking as they walked. They had the same classes and pretty much she was left behind were she had to catch up, Not that it was a problem to her

The day pass by and as she thought. Things were good. No one to tell her what to do as she smiled and met new people, made weird enemies and she was fine with it until lasses were over, Jessica dragged her out of campus and into the coffee shop that Jessica told she would introduce her friends with until she came into a stop. Her hands froze while Jessica only killer at we in curiosity. Her eyes the. Followed Savanna's trained of sight and stop when she realize it was her brother's boss

"How come he's in a Date while my brother works hard?"

But Savanna didn't listen. All she could do was stare as Lucas got out of an expensive restaurant while his hand was interlaced with a woman who only giggled at whatever he said

Savanna could only watch but she was surprised when she felt her heart ache at the sight but what made her seize was when their eyes met

And the next thing that happened made her speechless

The woman tugged his neck tie hard and kissed him senseless

But all she could see was his lips on the woman, his eyes on her and her, feeling such heart wrenching pain

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