Chapter 6

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-3rd Person-

Jay was walking through the school when he got a huge slap on his back.

"Hey Man." Ben grinned

"Hey" Jay smiled

"So you and my sister." Ben stated

"Yeah I guess."

"Are you going to take her out on a date?" Ben wondered


"She would really love that." Jay thought about it for a bit

"Are you taking Mal out."

"Yeah, I'm going to ask her now. But, hey. Seen as you don't know. I'll help you out. Just come to me after you ask her." Jay nodded . He sighed and went to find Bree. She was sat in the library working when he sat down next to her. She looked up and instantly smiled. A part of him felt bad that none of this was real.

"Hey, you" She kissed his cheek.

"Hey, so I was wondering if you want to go on"



"I would love that."

" Picky you up after school?"

"Sure." Jay left and went to see Ben who helped him set up his date while he did his.

"Bree has a car so just tell her to drive to her favourite spot." Ben told Jay.

"Okay." He sighed

"You nervous." Ben wondered

"A little" Ben chuckled

"You'll be fine. I can't think of anyone better for my sister." Jay gave him a tight smile and they went to pick up the girls. Jay knocked on Bree's door and waited she opened and he was blown away. He expected her to be in some pretty school/ family colour dress with proper hair. But she wasn't. She had scuffed denim shorts, white loose blouse with a blue leather jacket and black heeled boots. her hair had loose curls and feathers clipped on with black feather earrings.

 her hair had loose curls and feathers clipped on with black feather earrings

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"Wow" he breathed.

"Too much? I don't normally date. And this is as casual as I can get."

"Not you look...beautiful. You look really beautiful." Jay couldn't help it. He wanted it to be real so bad.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah." they left


"So where are we going?" I ask as I take him to my car.

"Your Favourite spot." I looked at him and then I heard

"Whoa! Is this your car?

"Whoa! Is this your car?

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"Yeah, like it?"

"It's amazing. I mean I've never seen anything like it." I laughed and opened the door and got in. Jay followed as I closed the door and started up the engine.

"Favourite spot here we come." I put my foot down on the pedal and we zoomed out of the garage. I was  driving when I dug through the glove compartment and pulled out a camera.

"Take a picture."


"Take a picture"

"I...I don't know how" Press the button when you think you have the perfect picture.  I briefly looked at him smiling. There was a flash and he looked at it.


"It's great. Pass it here."  I held my hand out still keeping my eyes on the road. I looked at him and quickly took a picture." I pulled over and looked down

"Awesome." I undid my seatbelt and got out. Jay took my hand and we started walking.

"So tell me something about yourself." I say.

"Like What?"

"Anything, as long it's about you."

"I'm a really good pickpocket?" I laughed

"I figured. Seen as the first time we met you stole my bracelet." He stopped and looked at me.


"You thought I didn't know. I noticed as soon as we got inside."

"But you never said anything."

"Why would I. You were fresh of the Island, old habits die hard. I figured once you got settle and saw what it was like you would eventually give it back."

"I..." I looked past him and gasped

"Oh Jay." I saw the small picnic laid out under a tree. "It's amazing." I took his hand and we went to sit down. We started eating. He asked me about myself and told him growing up and things like that.

"What about you. I only know the basics."

"My Mom died when I was young. I grew up with Carlos and the girls. I'm sixteen." he cleared his throat then stuffed a chocolate into his mouth.

"You love chocolate." I laugh "Here try this I handed him a doughnut while I ate a sandwich. He scoffed it down and I smiled

"I love coming out here." I looked around

"When I was little. every summer for one night we'd come here and watch the fairies. It was initiation for the new fairies. And they'd fly around here without a care in the world" I smile

"It sound's great."

"What did you do with your Dad." He looked  down.

"He taught me how to steal."

"Hey." I lifted his head up. "You are a great person. Okay? A lot of people let their past and that of their families effect who they are today. We make our own future."

"You're not how I imagined Princesses to be." I smile

"I'll take that as a complement. Come on, stand up." I stood to my feet.

"Another fun fact about here. This tree has the best tasting apples in the whole Kingdom" I ran for the tree and jumped up grabbing the  branch.

"Bree?" I swung myself up and stood on the branch. I grabbed two apple

"Catch" I threw one down and he caught it. I bit into my apple and it tasted delicious.

"Good right?" I called

"Yeah" I took another bite and I felt something wash over me like a fog had been lifted. I looked down at Jay and then back at the apple. A moment ago in my head I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing Jay was. How I loved him. It felt different now like it was a dream. I stared at the apple again as I realised. I took a deep breath in and forgot I didn't swallow so I began choking.

"Bree" I  let go of the tree and fell backwards

"Bree!" A pair of arms caught me while I still  coughed He put me down and squeezed my stomach till I coughed out the apple. I took in large breaths.

"Bree. Bree you okay?" I looked up and into his eyes.

"You...You saved me?"

"Yeah. God you scared me." I was enchanted with a love spell, and he saved me. I said all of those things and I wanted to blame the spell but I couldn't.  He still held me close to his chest.

"You when I mentioned that I loved you..." I cleared my throat and looked up "Do you feel the same." He pulled away and turned around

"I don't know what proper love is." I felt myself melt. I grabbed his hand and made him look at me.

"I can always teach you."


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