Chapter 3

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Classes throughout the day were very boring, but it all has to be done. It was time for cheer practice which was my favourite thing, because it didn't in love having to sit down. I was the cheer captain much to Audrey disappointment. I changed into my practice uniform which was a yellow t-shirt and a blue skirt.

"Hello girls. Let's begin." We went through the routines and I heard Coach's whistle I turned round and saw my brother with Chad, Jay and Carlos.

"Ben, Jay offence. Chad defence, Taylor you're the shooter."

"Hey, Hey you, Lost boy! Put your helmet on and get out of the kill zone. Come on. Pick it up put it on." They began playing and I cheered for the Offence which had my brother on it. Jay showed his talents for Tourney but smashing the defence. I stopped in awh and impressed as he solely scored. I began laughing as he did a happy dance. Coach blew the whistle.

"You get over here." He called and I cheered with the girls and he ran over to the coach. They talked before Coach blew his whistle again.


I had changed and came out of another class with my brother, Chad and Audrey. Chad and Audrey were laughing and some joke while I was looking at my Jimni.

"Those kids are trouble." I looked to see what Chad was talking about and saw Mal and Evie. I saw Evie leave.

"Come on, Chad give them a chance"

"Awh, no offence Benny bear. You're just too trusting" I scoffed

"Get over yourself, Audrey. We all know you're still mad about what happened, even though it was like a decade before you were born. I like them."

"Look, I know you're mom feel in love with a big nasty Beast , who turned out to be a Prince. The evil Fairy was just the Evil Fairy. That girl's mother."

"Speak about my father again, pinkie." I glowered at her.

"Easy, sis. She wasn't being mean about him." He took one hand and put it around my shoulder. "We think you're wrong about them." We went our separate ways. I saw Jay in my next class and I placed my books beside him.

"Great Tourney playing earlier."


"Seriously, you're awesome. And I only ever say that about my brother. Has coach given you a jersey yet"?

"Why would you think that?"

"Because it would be silly not to. Don't worry I'm sure he will."

"So you're a cheerleader?"

"Yes, much to prissy annoying Audrey's dismay."

"A Princess hates another Princess, shocker." I laughed

"Please. She's a close minded brat. I've met better. She gives princesses a bad name." He laughed "Really, she's vain, rude, stuck up, mean, selfish, annoying. The list goes on and on."

"Breanne." i turned my attention to the teacher "If you could pay attention."

"Sorry." I smile sweetly. He turns around and I drop it.


I sat with Mal, Evie and Jane (FG daughter). I had also become friends with Evie because I think she is a good person and is like me with loving the blue. So we have something in common.

"Mom said that if a boy can't see the beauty within then they're not worth it. Can you believe it? What world does she live in?"

"Auradon." Mal muttered.

"Mal, what do you think?"

"It's cute, brings out your eyes."

"I know."

"I'll never get a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend's are over rated."

"And how would you know Mal. You've never had one."

"That's cause I don't need one. E"

"Well, I suggest you don't date the boys here. They're either too shy to function round a girl or a unbelievable jerk." I added

"They're a waste of time."

"Oh no, I forgot to do Chad's homework. Oh no, no, no." Evie went to grab Chad's bag

"And that's exactly what I mean."

"Why are you doing his homework?" I asked but she didn't reply. There was a little knock and I looked to see Lonnie, who was Mulan's daughter.

"Hey guys, I'm Lonnie." They stared at her. "My Mom's Mulan?" Evie dropped the bag and Lonnie got the Idea.

"I love what you did with Jane's hair. I know you hates us and well, you're evil. But do you think you can do mine?"

"Why would we do that?" Mal wondered

"I'll pay you fifty dollars."

"Good answer, I need to by more material. Let's see I'm thinking, we lose the bangs maybe some layers and some highlights."

"Yeeah, I don't think so. I want it cool... like Mal's."

"Really the split ends too." Mal looks up annoyed and Evie shakes the purse of money. She groans in annoyance and grabs her book.

"Beware forswear, replace the old with cool hair." she flicked her fingers and Lonnies hair turned into long brown locks. I admit she looked good. Lonnie went to the mirror.

"I know, I know it looks like a mop on your head. Let's cut it off, layer it."

"No, no, no. I love it."

"You do." Lon ripped her skirt and grinned

"I do." Jane came over and looked at herself before copying.

"Oh my god, what have I done. My Mom is gonna kill me."

"I think you look great."

"Oh maybe you could do my make up Bree." I stood up and went over to them

"Hummm" I wiggled my fingers and flicked it at them specks of Gold dust hit their face. and their makeup is flawless.

"You have magic?" Mal asks

"Yeah, The witch that curse my Dad, came back when we were born. She bestowed gifts on us. Kingly attributes on Ben and magic on me. Thought it limited, it makes changing outfits easier if need be." I humm "I'm going to find Ben." I skipped out and wondering around I saw Jay with jersey on."


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