Chapter 4

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"Looking good. Jay. Told you, you'd get that jersey."

"Yeah, can you see the future."

"No, just talent. Catch you later." I found my brother not long later.

"Ben" I jumped on his back and he laughed. I slipped back down and he turned to face me.

"How's your day been sis?"

"Good, I think I've manage to make a friend out of nearly all the villain kids, I haven't talked to Carlos much though."

"Oh he's cool. I've seen you been taking a special interest in Jay though." I folded my arms

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing.... Do you fancy him?" I scoff

"I do not." He smirked


"Well what about you and Mal, I see you go all puppy eyes on her."

"I have a girlfriend."

"Audrey? Oh Benny Boo, you're so trusting." I imitated her "Please." I scoff

"Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm Princess Breanne, I do not get jealous, of annoying princesses."

"Okay. So where have you been? I've been texting you" I went to grab my phone but it wasn't there.

"Oh I must have left it in Mal and Evie's room. Come on." I dragged him along. I knocked and Mal answered.

"Hey I forgot my phone." She opened the door wider for me and I went to retrieve it.

"Hey Mal, I haven't seen you much today. I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything? Or anything you needed." Awh he is so adorable when he's shy. I stood next to him once more

"Not that I can think of

"Okay, Alright, well if you needed anything." We went to leave.

"Wait. Is it true we all get to go to your coronation?" Mal wondered

"Yeah, the whole school goes."

"Wow that is beyond exciting." She messes with her hair and I smile little tell I see.

"Do you think it's a possibility that the four of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother. Just so that we could soak up all that goodness."

"I wish you could. Up front is just me, Bree, my folks, my girlfriend and if Bree ever gets a boyfriend, him."

"Shut up idiot" I shoved my brother and he laughed

"Your girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"OK thanks, bye."

-3rd person-

Mal shuts the door in Ben and Breanne's face. The look a little stunned . In Mal's room she turned around with a smirk on her face

"I think it's time that Benny Boo, got himself a new girlfriend. And I need a love spell." She held her hands out and Carlos threw her mother's spell book towards her. She looked through it and found said spell.

"Oh and Jay. You're in on this as well."

"You want Ben to fall in love with me?" Jay wondered

"No, you idiot. Bree. We're gonna do a double whammy on this. I'll give one to Ben you give one to Bree."

"I'm not a one girl kind of man..." Evie scoffed

"Come off it Jay, we all know you're crushing on her." Carlos snickered

"I'm not"

"I saw you man. She came in here and you followed her with your eyes." Carlos replied

"I said I don't fancy her, I never said she was hard to look at." He played it off and they all rolled their eyes.


Mal was stirring the ingredients into the cookie mixture.

"Alright it stills says that we need one tear and I never cry." Mal sighs

"Let's just chop up some onions." Carlos offered.

"It says that we need one tear of human sadness, and this love potion gets the best reviews so we have to follow it exactly."

"A tears a tear" Jay huffed

"That's not exactly true. They both have antibodies and enzymes but a emotional tear as more protein based hormones than a reflex tear." Evie replied smartly

"Listen to you" Mal smiled at her best friend.

"Yeah I knew that." Jay scoffed

"No you didn't" Carlos teased

"Yeah I did." The door opened and Lonnie came in.

"There you are Mal. I was looking for you." Mal covered up the book and continued mixing

"You know want you to do their hair." She then saw what they were doing.

"Midnight snack huh? What you making."

"Oh nothing special just Cookie.. No!" Lonnie dipped her finger in and they all looked stricken.

"Feel anything?" Evie wondered

"Yeah, like it might be missing something." The door opened again and Bree walked in with her joggers and Auradon Hoodie up.

"Bree? What are you doing here?" Jay wondered and they all noticed.

"Need Cake. So hungry. What you guys making? Cookies."

"Yeah, is it missing something" She dipped her finger in an tasted. Jay got up and went over.

"Hey there." Bree this time pay no attention. She was still half asleep

"Chips" Lonnie snapped her fingers.

"You're right." Bree went over and took some out of the fridge.

"Chips?"  Jay asked bummed that he hadn't got a usual smile from Breanne.

"Chocolate chips only the most important food group." Bree also got some leftover cake from the fridge. She gave the chocolate chips over.

"Wait didn't you parents make you chocolate chip cookies." They stared at the two prep girls.

"Like when you're feeling sad..." Lonnie began

"Oh and Fresh from the oven with a glass of milk." Bree smiled

"And she just makes you laugh and puts everything into prospective." Bree and Lonnie noticed the looks from Mal and Evie. Bree looked at the boys and caught on. Lonnie took awhile.

"Why are you looking at me like that."

"Lonnie, they never had it." Bree mutters putting her plate down

"Oh I just thought that even Villains love" A tear ran down Bree's face. Mal seeing this caught it and put it into the mix

"Yeah well, big bummer but we have to get these into the oven so. Thank you so much for coming by."

"Oh okay!" They were shooed out of the kitchen

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