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He was stretching his arm as he reach for the Nutella that was on the second rack of the store display. He was standing in pointed toes and his small hand was gripping the bottom shelf to balance his small body. He was biting his lower lip as his eyes never left his favorite sandwich filling.

He wasn't giving up but someone beat him for the chocolate spread. He turn around and his green eyes met another green orbs that was smiling back at him.

"Are you reaching for this?" the woman asked and he nodded his head slowly.

The woman bent down and offered the Nutella to the little boy.

"What's your name?"

"Cameron..." the boy replied and the woman lent her hand for the boy to take.

"I'm Lauren... and this is my daughter Bernadette." Lauren said and the young girl with the same vibrant color eyes smiled at him.

"I like your eyes..." Bernadette commented and the little boy blush.

"Are you lost?" Lauren asked and the little boy shook his head 'no'.

"If you're not lost, why are you alone?" Lauren asked again and the boy pointed to the cashier.

Lauren stood up and look at the exit counter. She looked back at the boy but he was gone.

"Where is he?" Lauren asked her daughter and Bernadette just pointed at the end of the aisle and the boy was there, trying to hide. Lauren laughed and just follow the boy around the aisle.

They were about to turn and Lauren can still see that he was hiding behind the displays in the middle. Lauren gesture for her daughter to come around and surprise the boy. Bernadette giggled quietly and obeyed Lauren. They went to different side to both catch the little boy. Bernadette thunder strike from the side and the boy jump in surprise. He looked around and sprint fast to the other side but Lauren was already there as she caught the boy. The young boy squealed and laugh hard as his body struggle to break free from Lauren. He kicked his legs and Lauren tumbled down on the ground but still holding the boy securely. The green eyed woman tickled the boy and Bernadette was laughing on their side.

"S-sto-op! P-please!" He said and Lauren stopped tickling him but he wiggled out his way and run off. He rounded one aisle and this time he was caught by other woman and this time he didn't protest.

"I told you not to play in here while I'm on duty." The mom said as she leaned forward to talk to her son.

"I'm sorry Mami." The boy answered quietly.

"It's not his fault..." Lauren said as she stood up from the ground to walk and looked at the mother of the child.

The young mom turn around to look for the person who just spoke. She was about to speak but the words got stuck in the back of her throat as she stared at the woman. She gulped hard while her eyes went wide.

Lauren was also about to utter some words but she can't seem to say anything.

*almost 4 years ago

Camila was crying on her bed alone and it had been a few hours after Lauren left. She was still shaking from the heated confrontation and her tears never stopped. She was having a panic attack while she was having uneven breathing. She closed her eyes to calm herself but all she could see is Lauren's grey shade eyes that was full of hatred. She never thought Lauren would act in such way, she's the gentlest person Camila ever met.

Camila felt everything went so fast. One moment Lauren was in front of her at the door, then all of a sudden she was being pinned down on the bed and lastly, she just left. Not even looking back at her and everything that happened kept on replaying on her mind.

Camren Mini Book SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now