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"Mikey," Pete called to him. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" He finally reached him. He was running through the school hallway but he didn't care what anyone thought of him.

"Pete?" Mikey turned around to face him.

"Mikey, I'm sorry I should've believed you!" Pete reached out for him and flung his arms around him, pulling him closer.

He'd barely even touched Mikey before Mikey pushed him off. Pete barely missed hitting the locker and looked up at Mikey in shock. Mikey was staring at him almost emotionless.

"What makes you think you can just say that to me?" Mikey glared at him, stepping back.

"What?" Pete blinked at him, heart dropping fast.

"Why would you ever think that I would do that to you?" Mikey sneered. "Who do you think I am?"

"Mikey, it was Alicia," Pete pleaded with him. "I was confused and I'm sorry..."

"I thought you would've believed me, but you took her word over mine? That really shows me how much you trust me- how much you like me. Not that much apparently."

"Mikey," Pete breathed. This could not be happening.

Mikey just shook his head at him.

"You can forget about our 'dating' thing or whatever we could've had," he curled his lip at Pete. "In fact, just because you don't trust me that much, we're pretty much not even friends, right?" Mikey shrugged, turning in the opposite direction.

"Mikey, please... Give me another chance," he begged, tears beginning to steam down his face.

"I can't, Pete. I just don't trust you enough," Mikey spat, before he began walking away.

Pete woke up in a cold sweat. He checked the time  on his clock which read 3:07 a.m. He sighed, flopping down on his pillow and shivering. He was breathing heavily and he honestly felt like crying. He rolled over onto his stomach and reached for his phone and pulled it off his charger.

Sent at: 11:42 p.m.
Mikey: good night, Pete.

Pete sighed, realizing it was too late to text Mikey back. He'd fallen asleep before and wondered why Mikey had even sent it. Surely he was angry with him? Pete hoped and prayed that Mikey wouldn't react the same way he had in his dream.

Mikey wouldn't do that... Would he?

Pete let out a sigh and scrolled through Instagram for a bit before falling back to sleep at 4:00 a.m.

He woke up three and a half hours later to his annoying alarm clock ringing, and he reached over to turn it off.


Pete walked past the music room, nervously. He didn't want to see Mikey because he was scared.

"Pete!" He cringed as he heard his name being called and he turned slowly to see Mikey bouncing toward him. "Can we talk, please?"

Pete let out a shuddering breath and nodded, following Mikey into the empty music room

"Listen, I know you're mad at me," Mikey looked at him, shyly. "But I really like you a lot... so I won't stop apologizing till you forgive me," he smiled, leaning forward and capturing Pete's lips in his own. "I'm sorry," he kissed Pete again. "I'm sorry," again. "I'm sorry."

"Mikey," Pete pulled away. "I forgive you. I was stupid and I'm sorry and I was blinded because I was really vulnerable and I just believed her..." He reached down and grabbed Mikey's hand and Mikey squeezed his hand shut.

"Petey, it's okay, it's okay. I know how sly she is. I don't blame you," Mikey brought his hand up and kissed Pete's fingers.

Oh God. This was Mikey. The guy who Pete had a crush on for five years! And he was kissing him... And he told him he really liked him!

"You're so great, Mikey," Pete whispered. "I had a really bad nightmare last night and you told me you didn't trust me and I was so sad but I'm so glad you forgive me... I've actually had a crush on you since like forever."

Mikey frowned upon hearing Pete's nightmare but brightened up at Pete's confession.

"Really? How long?"

"Since... Eighth grade," Pete blushed bright red and Mikey chuckled.

"That long?" Mikey raised an eyebrow. "Sorry I'm so oblivious," he offered him a small grin.

"No, you were fine," Pete grinned. "Sorry about my dumb teenager heart."

"I like your heart," Mikey whispered, kissing Pete quickly again.


Pete sat on the couch in the music room. He was laying on his side, playing on his phone beside him. Mikey came over and sat in front of him, still on the couch before leaning over and laying on top of Pete.

"You're squishing me," Pete complained.

Mikey sighed and scooted over so he was lying in front of Pete, becoming  the smaller spoon and Pete smiled, resting his head on Mikey's.

"You like being the smaller spoon?" He teased, burying his face in Mikey's hair.

"Shut up," Mikey chucked, sleepily.

They just laid there for a while before Patrick smiled at them.

"That's goals right there," he grinned.

Pete chuckled at him and was blushing, deeply.

"Your heart is beating really fast," Mikey murmured, turning over onto his back. Pete smiled down at him.

"You make me kinda nervous," Pete admitted, quietly.

"Sorry," Mikey grinned. Suddenly the bell rang and Pete sighed.

"I should probably go," Pete pushed Mikey off of him but before he could get off the couch, Mikey pulled him back, letting out a small whine.

"No, you can't go. You're not allowed." He placed a kiss on Pete's head. Pete sat about a minute later. "You should probably go now though," he sighed, loosening his grip. Pete began to sit up but Mikey tightened his arms around Pete and pulled him back. "No, I'm just joking," he whispered, peppering him with small kisses.

"You're gonna make me late," Pete pouted at him.

"I wish you could stay in here with me," Mikey grinned. "It's your own fault you decided to take creative writing instead of Strings."

"Shut it," Pete nudged him before twisting out of his grip.

"Bye, Petey."


If you've guys read Rants And Other Random Stuff, you might recognize some of the scenes from me and my cuddlebuddy ;3. Also, if you haven't, check out mine and boydivision- 's collab book, Mikey Are You There. (On my account) We've worked really hard on it so hopefully you guys like it!!

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