Angel and Demon

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Seven Years Before

I was in terrible pain. It had been almost a day since it started, the the mutation inside of me was about to erupt. The girl that had taken me stood close by. I wanted her to die. This was all her fault.

Another push under my skin forced my back to arch. I cried out, the pulsing under my skin slowly tearing through. My shoulders prickled and I screamed again and again. Then there was a small rip by my shoulders and the mutation came spilling out. All I could do was lay there moaning.

'Good girl.' The girl stood and ran her hands over something new on my back. I could feel it perfectly, and it felt as though they were attached like an arm was to a shoulder. I whimpered, and she lifted me up until I was kneeling on the table that the men had left me on a long time ago.

Fear ran through me, but stubbornness kept me in my place. The girl was much older than I, but I was faster. She reached out to push my head up with her hands and I slammed my legs into her stomach. As she cried out, I slid from the table and pushed down on the only door handle. It opened, to my great disbelief. I had to run.

The corridors were long and narrow, and nobody seemed to be nearby, and I slid through several doors until I came across a huge room. There were beams crossing over the top, heading towards a dirty looking window. My escape.

Without hesitation, I climbed onto one, the mutation weighing me down. Something light brushed across my lower back, and I instinctively tried to rub it away with my hand. I came back with a handful of feathers.

'Wings?' I whispered in shock. I didn't dare to turn around to look though. There was too much at stake.

I was good at balancing, and I scurried over to the window quickly. There wasn't a handle, and although I knew I was defeated, I aimed a good kick at the glass. I didn't even move.

The girl flew up to me, gliding with her wings as if it was a natural thing for her. Maybe it was. She reached around my waist and easily plucked me away from the beam. I shrieked, partially in fear, more in anger.

'Let me go! Let me go!'

She laughed. 'One day you can go. But only if you work hard enough.'

It caught me by suprise. She glided down, easily varying my small frame in her arms.

'What do you mean? I want to go now!' I struggled in her grip, trying to kick her shins and punch her face, but I was so much smaller. I couldn't reach.

Easily holding me in place, watching as some of the guard like men scurried over to take me, she smiled. 'If you fight well, you survive. You earn your freedom.'

My arms were held behind my back, covering the heavy wings and preventing them from moving, even though I wasn't sure I could do that right then. 'I want my freedom. Now.'

'Soon little Demon.'

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