Angel and Demon

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Demon: The Warehouse, Apartment 1B

The training room was messy. Bandages were not appreciated on the fallen here, so unclean blood clung to surfaces, and the place reeked.

This would be where Angel would learn to fight, to defend herself. I had learnt here as well. The Leaders of this place had given her a week to learn how to do it. I had a year.

I felt, that they had always wanted me to win. I had never had any restrictions, other than what I ate and where I slept. I had seen wings come from countless girls, something none of the others had been allowed to view. I had been in the laboratory where the drugs were made. I had kept my independence.

My trainers had been the best they could find. I was expected to be the best, and in return, I became what they wanted. I didn't question, I wouldn't fight them any more. In their view, I was perfect.

Angel had a regular coach. I would watch on the ground under the observation of several guards. If I tried to do anything, I would be electrocuted. Something I have never earned here has been thier trust in my emotions. They are right to believe this after my first few days in the apartments.

She sweeps in, and tries a punch, but it is shallow, so it misses. Her wings hold her back, and her posture is all wrong. She shouldn't slump her shoulders. Her favoured leg should remain behind so she can execute the best attacks.

When the trainer punches back, she shrieks. The guards loom over me to warn me not to try anything. I nod once, to assure them I will stay true to my words.

This fight is pathetic. In no time, the trainer sneaks his leg behind hers and forces her balance to shatter. She has lost, to a man I beat only weeks ago. I shift around with relentless intentions to leave. I have seen enough and no need to stay here.

The guards are bored, and hardly notice my movement. Hardly. It is subtle, but obvious. I don't shriek when the shock hits me. Just shake.

Convulsions tear through me, forcing my body to arch and twist. My back cracks. My wings pound against the thick jumper. I feel lightheaded. Still, I have a clear mind, and hear the Angel crying out for them to stop. And it does.

For a moment, I lie there, I cannot move. Screeches surround me, and by the time I can raise my head off the ground, I see bodies on the floor, and the Angel towering over them.

I was wrong. She is a worthy opponent after all.

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