(8) Lost In Knowledge

Start from the beginning

Savanna stayed in a crouch position for minutes until she heard a crunch in the ground. Hastily she smelled a human, that's when she panic. Just when she saw Someone come out, her arms and legs instantly curled to hide her nudity


"Aa-Aaron?" She said surprise, but Aaron was the one who was more surprise when he found Savanna lying in the wood with no clothes on. The realization hit him when he realize she was In fact naked made him flush bright red

"Wha-wh- what  why are yo-you na-na na" Poor guy couldn't even utter the word. Although it was awkward, Savanna wasn't the slightest bit worried about it

"Um Aaron would mind if I borrow you jacket?" Her voice turned into a whisper when she realize Aaron wouldn't stop looking- this only made it more awkward. Clearing her throat- Aaron was brought back to reality when he realized what he was doing

He cursed under his breath until he hastily zip is jacket off but as he was about to place it in her shoulders, he stopped when he realize he didn't know how to approach her. Should he throw it on her way or place it like a gentlemen?

Savanna who saw his panic face, she decided to tell him to throw the jacket at her which he did

She quickly stood while Aaron only turned around- his face still red from being flashed

"What are you doing here?" She finally said when she was fully covered. Aaron turned and was scratching the back of his neck, something she realize when they went together that meant he was nervous

"I was about to ask you the same thing" he cleared his throat and got the courage to look at her only to look at the ground again

"Aaron you can look I'm decent-" she stopped "well not really"

"Look I'm sorry Savanna, it was stupid at me to gawk at you so freely- I mean you have a killer body but I won't you know- I- I mean I would sleep with you but- shit!" Somehow Savanna found it cute that he was worried she would be mad, but being able to be seen without clothes at her world was natural but Amanda had said people weren't accustomed being flashed with other peoples goodies

Savanna was brought back when she notice Aaron was still babbling about being a bad person but Savanna only approach him with a smile. Just when she was near, he froze like a statue. The top jacket only stopped at the collar that Aaron could see a bit of cleavage peeking. This instantly made him look up as he prayed for mercy

"Thank you Aaron but Im still confused how you found me"

"Oh right um- I was picking up my sister from school for dinner but I heard someone scream so I thought something must have happened. Her collage is just somwhere" he mumbled the words but she it clear. He then frowned when he looked back to his way

"I didn't know I had ran so far" she said while he cleared his throat and ask the same thing

Savanna really had no explanation. The moment she looked back, Vashka was gone and she was alone to tell whatever bullshit she was ever going to throw in his way

"Umm well, you see I - I uh" her cheeks then burned when she suddenly said "I- a huge spider went inside my clothes and I panic"

She looked and saw he's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about it. It was stupid but it was the only thing she could think about

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