Chapter 24: Still in Love

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Macie's POV

Pain. That's what i felt. You know, that moment when you feel like someone has torn your heart in half. Yeah, that. I don't know why i felt this way, but somehow i think i still loved him. Yet i didn't know it. I should be long over him by now, right guys? Ah who am i kidding? I'm just a crazy Swedish girl that thinks she's actually talking to a fake audience. Wait. Are you real? Of course not! It's all in my head!

I waited while Stephen showed Tiger so i could get on Spencer. But Marcus came up to me. "No! No! Sis! Why are you crying?" Marcus asked me. Since my parents left for England for the next phase of the tour, he had become my brother from another mother... And father.

Quit the practicalness of it!

Who is that?

Me you dope.


Your conscious!

I have a conscious?

Yes, and apparently a brain of rocks.

Great now it's got a sense of humor.

After i was done bickering with me, Marcus and i chatted for a little bit until Stephen came in from the ring. "You Ready or you wait for Stacy?" The other groom, Jesus. He's from mexico and his english isn't all that great, but he is a real sweetheart. "I'm ready!" I smiled. He always brightens up a person's day.

He led Spencer out of the grooming stall and up to the step stool. I climbed up there and picked up my reins. "Thank you!" I smiled at him. "De Nada." He grinned and started walking me up to the ring. I had memorized the course a while ago so now i was waiting. Stacy jogged beside me and started going over the course.

"Jesus is going to be rotating out the horses. He'll bring Olive up to the schooling ring so you can do her next." She told me. "Got it." I grunted. They put me in and i trotted up to a good approach. They rang the bell and i started cantering. I whipped through the course in a time of 63 seconds.

I got on Olive next. This time i saw Chase in the bleachers and i got mad. "Go!" I whispered to Olive. She took off FLYING around the course and we finished at a beautiful time of 50 seconds. "Wow! I didn't know Olive had it in her!" Stacy smiled. "You just have to get pissed." I laughed and patted the little mare's neck.

Pretty soon, i had won the class on Olive, and it was time for pony jumpers. I do have to show the ponies this whole show only because i'm tiny enough. Stacy stuck me on Lilly and i got ready to go in.

"Ready baby girl?" I asked the pony. She chomped on the bit in reply. I walked her in and did the normal drill. They blew the whistle and without me aiding her, the pony sped off. All i had to do was balance her and take her to the jumps. But just as we were landing off an oxer i heard the thunk of a rail. Darn it! I finished my course and walked out.

"That's alright! It was that one rail! But she's a little pony, and those are very big jumps. I doubt any of the ponies will be going clear." Stacy told me. I nodded.

I ended up showing jumpers for the rest of the day. When i got done, Stephen and i were chilling in the tack stall. Yeah. Chilling like villains. What! Just because i'm Swedish doesn't mean i can be cool!

Emma came up and started talking to me. "Macie. I'm sorry about what happened this morning. Chase asked me out yesterday. We are NOT dating." She told me. "Well I'm glad you confirmed it. Want to sit with us?" I asked. "Sure!" She smiled.

We sat there for about an hour before i spoke up. "I wrote a song. Do you want me to sing it?" I asked. "Totally! What's it about?" Stephen slung his arm around my shoulder. "You." I smiled. I made sure Chase was watching before i began. Revenge is fun!

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