Chapter 4: Secret Desires

Start from the beginning

"Come on guys, can we please make some music" Chris chuckles out

"Yea, I mean I love hearing sex stories but I have been itching to play" Ryder says

I look around and I say Macy on the corner looking at her phone but I see no Izzy yet. I walk over to Macy and sit down next to her.

"Hey Macy" I say she looks at me mutters and goes right back to her phone, what the fuck

"I said Hey Macy" She looks at me with an annoyed expression and then she gives me a smile and says

"Hey Aiden"

I know she forced the smile, I have no idea what's going on with her, but I'm wouldn't be surprised if it had to do with Luke she's always like this when he's in the same room as her oil and vinegar I'm telling you.

"Where's Izzy" I say

She looks at me and raises and eyebrow before she sighs out and answers

"She's not coming in today, that's why I'm here"

"What do you mean she's not coming in" I say

"She doesn't feel well so she told me if I could come in for her"

She not feeling well, that's strange Izzy always comes in to our music session even if she doesn't have to she just loves to listen to us, she comes in all the time, she even came in when she's sick. For god's sake she came in when she had the flu and practically passed on the studio floor.

I turn and catch Macy staring at me blankly when all of sudden she shakes her head and looks at her phone.

"I'm going to call her" I say standing up and walk to the out the studio before she can say anything

I go out and I dial her number

It rings 5 times and when I about to hang thinking she's not going to pick up I hear her voice.


"Where are you?"

"Oh wow no hey are you" she says back sarcastically

"Izzy cut the shit why aren't you here"

I hear breathe out before she answers "I'm sick"

"yea that's what Macy told me, but why am I having a hard time believing her"

"Aiden listen I drank too much last night, and I'm just not feeling well" she sighs out

Did she drink last night? I don't think so but then again I was pretty high when I got to the club and started drinking right away, but something in her voice tells me she's lying

"Izzy what's wrong?"

"Look Aiden nothing is wrong I'm just not feeling well, you guys will survive one day without me I will be back tomorrow into the studio plus I have to talk to you guys about the tour and the band whose touring with you"

I sigh into the phone, clearly she's hiding something but I'm not going to push.... Now.

"Ok ill stop by after and see how you are doing"

"NO" she yells

"What" I say

"Sorry it's just that you guys are going to be in the studio until really late, and I'll probably be sleeping so there is no reason for you to come it will just be a waste of time"

I'm starting to get frustrated something is defiantly up and I'm going to find out what it is.

"I'm coming" and then I hang up the phone before she can give me an answer

I walk back into the studio and to make some music, and the whole time in the studio I all I can think about is getting to Izzy's apartment.


And here is another one and this time in Aiden POV

What do you think so far?

If you guys look at the description you guys will know that I changed the story a bit, instead of a guy it will be a girl and the reason for this is that the story flows a lot better while I was writing it. Trust me it will still be as intense and emotional, but I had to make this change because it wasn't coming together and I would rather give you a story that I know you guys will love and enjoy then a story that just doesn't fit the characters, now it doesn't mean that one of the other characters won't get a story like it or something similar but it's just not Aiden and Isabella story. I hope you guys understand. Oh and Aiden is still bi by the way.

I really hope you guys still continue to support the story still!

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Love you  guys and again thank you so much for the support!

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