Chaper 7- I was drunk

Start from the beginning

I follow the guys out and just as we come out Wes drives up the gate.

We go to the car and we get in.

Kat looks back from the front seat. "Hey, you ready or what."

"I guess." I give her a awarkard smile.

The guys keep talking to each other through the whole ride and I just zoned out. I looked outside the window through the whole ride to school.

When we came to a stop we all got out. I see bunch of students. They were hanging outside laughing, screaming, talking or playing around.  It was a very nice school. Very different from my old school.

Kat puts her arms around my shoulder. "Lets go to the front office first and pick up your class scedule."

We walk in through the open front doors and make our way to the office.

I ask the first lady I see as soon as you enter the office. I tell her am new and needed to pick up my scedule. She hands me a paper and I read through my classes.

Kat leans over me to see my classes as well. "Ooh yay! We have one class together. Mrs. Green english."

"Really thats great. She isnt tough?"

"Not at all, she is very nice. Anyways, the bell is almost going to ring. For lunch meet me in the front of the cafeteria ok." Kat takes my scedule and looks at it. " Im going to show you where your first class is at. Come on."

Kat grabs my wrist and pulls me.


I take a bite of my sandwitch. "So far my classes were awful. In my first class some guy keep hitting on me. He got so annoying. I couldnt shake him off. I ended up agreeing to go out with him friday afterschool. Then in my second class, the teacher for some reason decided to call me up to the front of the class to solve a problem in the broad. It was my first day why would he ask me, but anyways when I was walking up I triped on someones backpack. It was horrible. My next class I had science. The class was doing an experiment and my partner ask me to pour some red food coloring in a glass of water. The red water fell all over my legs. Talk about being clumsy. I hope my day gets better or else imma go crazy and nevet come back to school again."

Kat looks at me with a surprise face then she blurts at laughing. "Wow Aria. When I asked how far your first day was going I didnt expect that. I think its because you are nervous. Things always happen in thoses days when we want everything to go perfect. Stop thinking so much.

I take more bites of my sandwich and think about how could my day get any worst. I watch kat eat her lunch and check her phone. I look around the cafateria and see no signs of the guys.

"Where are the guys at. I dont see any of them at all." I say and take a drink of my water.

Kat looks up from her phone and looks at me. "They are probably outside, by the track checking out girls. "

Typical guys. "Anyways. Do you have a boyfriend? I havent seen you with a guy and it would be crazy if you don't because your gorgeous. I just wanna know so i dont accidently in love with him."

Kat shakes her nods her head no. "I dont so dont worry but i do have a crush."

I lean closer to kat. "May I know who."

She stands up and grabs up too. She pulls me to the edge of the cafeteria.

We had a great view of everyone who was there.

"Ok. See that table in the middle," she points to the table that was just in the center of the cafeteria.

I saw a lot of good looking people on it. About five girls and three guys there. One looked like a couple because one the girl who was blonde was sitting on his lap.

" You do see the couple who there right. The blonde girl name is Stacy and the guy she sitting on is Blake." She tells me with a not so happy tone.

She had to say no more. I knew who was her crush. "So Blake is his name. He's very cute." i stare at him.

Kat pulls me out the cafeteria and faces me and grabs my hand. " Yes, that his name but as you just saw he has a girlfriend. She is head cheerleader and my I say evil." She say very sadly.

I pull her onto a hug and pull back again. " If you seriously like him, fight for him. I can help you" I say as i cross my arms.

Kat just looks at me crazy. " I really really like him but i cant do that Aria. You dont know her girlfriend. Remeber a second ago. She is evil and awful.

"So what. Fight for what you want. I know if you try hanging out with him he would totally dump Stacy and be with you."

We start walking towards where the guys where. " I would love to hang out with him but she doesnt leave him for one second. I only had a couple of times to actually have a short lived conversation with him. From thoses talks I knew he was an amazing guy. I really dont why he is with Stacy because she so mean." She makes a sudden stop and faces me. " I also forgot to tell you the most important thing. I seen her with another guy. Im sure she is cheating on him."

I look at her shocked. Hello! That was all that needed to be said. " Why havent you expose her?"

" I havent said anything because he would be heartbroken."

" Maybe for a bit but its a lot wrost being lied to. He will have you to lean on. He will see that you truly care for him unlike her." 

She thinks for a moment and then looks at me. "Your right. I have to stop being a coward and fight for him. I cant let her fool him like that. Youll help me right because i dont know what to do or how."

I give her a evil smile. " Of course I'll help. Exposing cheating cheerleaders and get the man of your dreams plan is on process. Now lets go find the guys." I garbs her hand and see her get happier and we leave.

The bells rings before we could ever find the guys and go to class right away.

The rest of the day I try to get pass the day without any problems


When school was over i find Kat and we see the guys and walk over to them.

Kat tells me to tell them about my day. I tell them about all the crazy things that happen before lunch and they start laughing.

Wes comes over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. " Im sorry to hear that baby. Let me make your day better. Lets go over to my place where its more private. I promise you I can make you so happy," as he finishes telling me and he gives my cheek a peck.

" I actually like that idea. Wanna leave now?" I say just playing along.

Everybody looks at me all shock including Wes. I blust out laughing. " I was so just kidding. Sorry Wes. Not today or ever is that gonna happen."

Kat rubs Wes's back. " Sorry bro, but you might have just found the only girl to resist your charm."

"Im not giving up. Im a fighter and a lover. She will fall for me eventually." he says all dramatic.

We all start to leaving away from school. "Good luck with that Wes." I say.


Hey everybody if you do read my book and like it please recommend it to others. Add me or message me. Tell me what you guys think. I would really love to know how to improve it. Share it please!!!! Thank you for reading my book. Also there will be a lot more Scott in the next chapers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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