FIVE - 5

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Laughter bubbled up in your throat as you watched *Dylan attempt to flirt with Ms. Graham. Dylan was indeed very attractive and almost half Ms. Graham's age but he is definitely her type. Ms. Graham laughed dramatically at something Dylan said and put her hand on his shoulder making him visibly uncomfortable.

"Oh my god who even dared him to do this in the first place?" You giggled turning to look at Andra who was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

"You!" She yelled trying to catch her breathe from laughing so hard.

You peered back out the window and saw Dylan's eyes widen and his cheeks flushed a rosy pink colour. He turned his head towards you and mouthed 'Help'. You shrugged in response once again exploding in laughter.

*Dylan- refer back to prologue.

"Nope, I told you not to do it." You shrugged popping a fry in your mouth and leaning further into your boyfriends embrace.

"Yea but this was different, he was..." Andra glanced at your boyfriend, David before leaning across the dining table using a hand to cover her mouth and whispering "hotter than David."

"What!" He gasped putting a hand over his heart and feigning hurt. "No one his hotter than me! Right babe?" He looked down at you for support.

"Cocky much?" You joked reaching for your soda.

"I mean... I have a cock but you knew that right?" He smirked taking your drink from you and drinking some before returning it to your hands.

"Nope can't say I do." You sipped your soda after wiping the straw. Hey, germs you can never be too careful.

"Oh so you weren't riding my d-"

"Okay that's enough out of you," Andra groaned shutting him up for the two of you while he laughed at the blush that crept up on your face.


"Dad do you have to be such a dork all the time?" You asked rhetorically, while passing him the last of the dishes for him to dry.

"Can't help it I get it from you."

You laughed and shook your head hoping up on the counter and watching your dad as he went to the fridge to get something. "Dad I'm pretty sure if that were at all true it would be the other way around, but I'm not a dork."

He places your favourite fruit and a can of whip cream on the counter wiggling his eyebrows horribly in a suggestive manner, you let out a small giggle. "What do you want dad?"

"Wanna watch a movie before you have to go back home?"

"Only if it's White Chicks" you smirked snatching the fruit and can and scurrying off to living room leaving your dad to eat your dust.


You smiled softly and rolled over groaning a bit as the sun peered through the tiny window in your cell. You opened your eyes the smile still on your face, until you looked around the room realising that it was all a dream. You were still in this hell hole. You felt yourself tearing up but you refused to cry because it seemed like all you did was cry or wallow in self pity and frankly, you were tired of it. Jason obviously got off on you crying all the time it made him fell more dominant, like the big dog on the block. At least that's what you thought who knows what his true motives are.

You glanced down at your wrist. Your frown deepened when you saw your watch wasn't there anymore. Of course he would take the watch, people could totally track you down using your watch smartest thing ever! you groaned sitting up. This is the first time since you've been in this nightmare that you've slept through out the night without waking up with night mares. You didn't have nightmares you had dreams. Multiple dreams and all of which were happy. Not the horrible shiver giving nightmares you had about Jason McCann raping and killing you.

Rubbing the remaining sleep from your eyes with your hands you sat up swinging your legs over the side of the bed throwing the dirty used white sheets off of you and into a random corner of the bed.

It's not the same as your bed.

You stood to your feet a little wobbly at first but then you managed to catch your balance. You walked over to the mirror. Staring at your pale reflection instantly feeling disgusted with your appearance. Your H/C hair was a madded nest, your face looked pale lacking any colour there should have been. Your once full of life E/C orbs were dull and puffy from either the lack of sleep or all the crying you had done over the time of you being in this place. Sighing, and trying to think of something you could do to atleast ease the boredom that had risen up in your sorrow filled mind. You turned around and walked towards the bed but stopped abruptly and let out and Inhumane screech at the pain at your stubbed pinkie as you fell forward landing on the bolts that tied your collar to the floor send another large wave of pain coursing through your body.

"Oh my god! My mother fucking stomach!" You yelled squeezing your eyes shut at the pain the now ran through your abdomen and your pinkie toe, "and my fucking pinkie!"

You heard the sound of heavy footsteps but you were too consumed in pain to even pay it any mind. If there is anything worst then being locked in Jason McCanns 'dungeon' it's stubbing your pinkie toe. You squealed again as you turned your body to relieve so of the pain in your stomach only effectively making it worse. The door slammed open revealing Jason who had his eyebrows  furrowed and was panting heavily with his gun raised until his eyes landed on you. When they did he put the safety on the gun while trying his hardest not to laugh.

"How did you..." He trailed off as he held his breathe to try and stop himself from laughing.

"Yup. Just laugh. You kidnapped me so why refrain from laughing?'' You muttered mostly to yourself but he picked up on it anyway.

His face instantly straightened out indicating he was back in bitch mode "Get off the damn floor."


How was it?

L and I had a race to see who could make it to 1000 first

She types extremely slow (no offence) and I type fast ASF but

I kept getting distracted and the whole thing reminded me of the tortoise and the

Hare. I just thought you should know...

This chapter was randomly inspired by tampons...

What a miracle they can be right?

Lol if you ask how tampons inspired me I'd probably tell you

I just don't feel like typing it here right now.

This isn't edited...

Thank you again for voting!!

Until next time...


(P.S)- I won participation 😞🎗... And she gets the trophy (🏆)

Stolen - J. McCann X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now